(currently in early development)
A inspect extension for running ctf evals.
The package provides:
- An inspect registry of solvers for use in ctf based evals
- An inspect task which takes yaml files and maps them to ctf challenges run in inspect (see example folder)
- A CLI for common actions
- A set of tests for validating yaml against the standard
Create folder with the following structure
Install ctf_evals_core. We recommend using a virtual environment and dependency management library like poetry
poetry install git+https://github.com/UKGovernmentBEIS/ctf-evals-core.git
Run inspect eval ctf_evals_core/ctf_task
at the top level of your project.
Inspect allows you to pass parameters to your tasks with the -T flag. ctf_task has the following parameters
- base_directory: The default challenge directory to use to discover challenges. If None, the current working directory / "challenges" is used. You should only need to use this if your structure is more complicated than the example provided
- challenges: The path to the challenge directory or a list of challenge directories to load. Relative paths are resolved relative to the base directory. If None, all challenges are loaded.
- variants: The variant or list of variants to include (e.g. "easy" or "easy,hard"). If None, all variants are included.
- metadata_filters: A list of metadata filters to apply to the challenges. e.g
metadata can be set in challene.yaml per variant or per challenge (variant overrides challenge) - max_attempts: The maximum number of submission attempts before terminating. This argument is used by our default agent and is ignored if the solver argument in inspect is set
We provide a solver called qa which simply tries to run a file called solution.sh in the sandbox. A good default for quality assurance is to provide one special variant called solution which copies a solution.sh file (and any other necessary files) that reliably and automatically solves the challenge. Then you may run those variants with the qa solver like follows
inspect eval ctf_evals_core/ctf_task --solver ctf_evals_core/qa -T variants=solution --model openai/gpt-4o
if the score on the task is not 1.0 you may want to investigate
The CLI provides commands to manage docker images
ctf_evals images build
will build all images in the images folder at the top level of your project and in challenges/challenge_name/images. Path is mapped to an image tag you may use in docker compose files. For example
./images/generic_agent -> ctf-generic_agent:1.0.0
./challenges/ctf_01/images/victim -> ctf-ctf_01-victim:1.0.0
We also include out own kali linux image which we use internally it will be mapped to:
ctf_evals images push
will push images to an ECR registry given the provided arguments/environment variables
You may also run ctf_evals images list
to see what images would be built by the build command. If you provide arguments specifying your ECR registry it will show how images will be pushed to ECR
Adding the following to your pyproject.toml will ensure the tests from ctf_evals_tests are included.
addopts = "--pyargs ctf_evals_tests"
These tests:
- Verify files described in challenge.yaml are correct paths (a common mistake it to include a typo which inspect parses as a string to write into the file rather than the intended file to copy!). Ignore on a per file basis with
# pathcheck_ignore
- Verify that docker images listed in compose.yaml would all be discovered by the cli images build command
- Verify flags are correctly formatted
- Verify agent image matches our kali linux image
## Configuring sandbox environments
Inspect provides a default docker sandbox provider and ctf_evals will use docker by default looking for a docker compose file next to your challenge.yaml file for each challenge. If you have an alternative sandbox provider you would like to use you may set the following environment varables
- CTF_SANDBOX_PROVIDER the name of the provider as given to inspect. For example to use the (podman example)[https://inspect.ai-safety-institute.org.uk/extensions.html#sec-sandbox-environment-extensions] from the inspect docs you would use "podman"
- CTF_SANDBOX_SPEC_FILE the name of the configuration file for the environment relative to each challenge.yaml files. For docker this is implicitly
for the podman example this would beconfig.yaml