There are three easy to use modules available.
The SDEConnector is a wrapper to extract data out of the Eve Online SDE. It can easily be expanded to include more complex queries.
from EveCommon.SDEConnector import SDEConnector
sde = SDEConnector(db_name='C:\Database\sqlite-latest.sqlite')
types = sde.get_types_with_market_group()
print('There are %d Items on the market.' % len(types))
The ZKillboard class extracts Killmails form ZKillboard using the provided API. Please include a user agent when requesting Data.
from EveCommon.ZKillboard import ZKillboard
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
end_time =
start_time = end_time - timedelta(days=3)
zKill = ZKillboard(user_agent='Your USERAGENT', alliance_id=99003214, losses=True, no_attackers=True,
start_time=start_time, end_time=end_time, solar_system_id=30000142)
killmails = zKill.get_killmails()
print('The Brave Collective had %d losses in Jita during the last three days' % len(killmails))
The EveCentral class extracts prices from Eve-Central using the provided API. Please include a user agent when requesting Data.
from EveCommon.EveCentral import EveCentral
ec = EveCentral(user_agent='Your USERAGENT', type_id=34, system_id=30000142)
price = ec.get_prices_list()
print('The lowest price for Tritanium in Jita is %s ISK.' % price[0].sell.minimum)
A simple example on how to combine all three Classes can be found in