We propose a high-definition template of a single healthy brain built using multimodal registration. 35 T1-weighted (T1w) and 35 T2-weighted (T2w) anatomical brain images of one individual healthy human male (aged 40) were retrieved from the Human Connectome Phantom (HCPh) dataset, an ongoing Stage 1 Registered Report.
The python code is using a set of packages (Nilearn, Nibabel, Nitransforms, Scikit-Image, etc).
Use the requirements.txt
file to install all dependencies at once:
pip install -r requirements.txt
To run the code you will need some external routines included in open-source packages:
from the Advanced Normalization Tools ANTs.mri_synthstrip
from FreeSurfer. Those specific methods should be accessible from you command line for the pipeline to work.
This code has been developped to run on a high power computing (HPC) unit using the SLURM job manager. It has now been tested and is compatible to run locally. Before running, make sure your anatomical data (T1w and T2w images) are stored in a BIDS dataset.
The processing pipeline uses several scripts. Here's a summary of the steps in each script:
- Creates a directory with T1w and T2w images
- Skullstripping and computation of the brain mask,
- INU correction with
, - Image denoising with
- Normalizes the intensity of the images by matching the histogram of each image to the one of a reference (usually the first image).
- Align images of all modalities (different than T1w) with the corresponding T1w.
- Creates the initial template by computing the (affine) transforms between each individual image (moving images) and a reference (fixed, usually the first image).
- We implemented a modified version (
) to bypass theWalltime
parameter (only applicable for SLURM environments).
- Creates the final template in the specified resolution by weighting the interpolation by the accuracy of the alignement between voxel centers of the fixed image projected onto the space of the moving image and the center of the closest voxel in the moving space.
- Optional: Laplacian sharpening using
:- The image can be sharpen using the following command:
ImageMath 3 path_to_save_sharp_template Sharpen path_to_template 1
You should modify the
variables to match your environments. -
If your anatomical images does not have the
tag, replaces the definition offile_list
with a tag unique to your file names:files_list=$( ls $sub_dir/ses-0*anat/*UNIQUE_TAG*.nii.gz )
Create the input directory:
sh create_input_dir.sh ~/data/datasets/hcph-dataset ~/data/hcph-template
2. IMPORTANT: Check that the templateInput.csv
file matches the T1w and T2w images in the output directory.
ls /path/to/data/*.nii.gz >> allImages.txt
Script details are in N4-correction-local.sh
or N4-correction-SLURM.sh
if running on a HPC.
IMPORTANT: Check the quality of some images at each step. It is crucial to validate the bias field correction (or correction for Intensity Non-Uniformities (INU)) as any reccurrent non-uniformity will be visible on the template. You may do it by looking at the
images and making sure there are no area that are particularly bright/dark. If needed, adjust the parameters of the bias field correction by update the following line inN4-correction-local.sh
:N4BiasFieldCorrection -d 3 -b [80] -i $imFile -o [$n4corrt1,$n4corrbf]
To start the pipeline, run
sh N4-correction-local.sh ~/data/hcph-template ~/data/hcph-template/allImages.txt
HPC: Adapt and run the pipeline script using sbatch N4-correction-pipeline.sbatch
python histomatch.py -o ~/data/hcph-template/derivatives/histomatch -m T1w -p your_file_pattern --mask brainmask ~/data/hcph-template/derivatives/n4-corrected
cd ~/data/hcph-template/derivatives/histomatch
ls ./*.nii.gz >> allImages.txt
sh align_with_t1w-local.sh ~/data/hcph-template/derivatives/histomatch ~/data/hcph-template/derivatives/histomatch/allImages.txt
HPC: Adapt and run the pipeline script using sbatch align_to_t1w.sbatch
requires a specific input that we create using hcph-template_gen_in_file.sh
sh hcph-template_gen_in_file.sh ~/data/hcph-template/derivatives/allInRef
Check that the templateInput.csv
file has all desired images, then run:
sh hcph-template_build_template-local.sh ~/data/hcph-template/derivatives/allInRef
HPC: Adapt and run the pipeline script using sbatch hcph-template_build_template_mni_sl2.sbatch
Have a look at the A_tpl_template0.nii.gz
and A_tpl_template1.nii.gz
You may run the script to build the template with the latest template as input (e.g. -z my_initial_template.nii.gz
, see antsMultivariateTemplateConstruction2.sh
documentation for examples)
sh template_to_reference.sh ~/data/hcph-template/derivatives/diswe-interp/my_template.nii.gz ~/path_to_mni/mni_template.nii.gz MNI04mm Affine
See python interpolation.py -h
for all parameters.
python interpolation.py -o ~/data/hcph-template/derivatives/diswe-interp -r 0.4 --transform-dir ANTs_iteration_3 -b 500 --exclude-ses ses-pilot019 ses-pilot021 -j 10 --pre-transform T2w-to-T1w --post-transform to_MNI04mmAffine --use-mni -m T2w ~/data/hcph-template/derivatives/histomatch ~/data/hcph-template/derivatives/allInRef
Note that in the above call, we are using most of the optional parameters that are:
: Exclude specific session (e.g. corrupted data) in the interpolation. -
: Add intermediate transformation between the session space (T1w) and the image space (usually T2w or other modalities, one for each image). Note that the transform should have been already computed before (see step 7) and files should be saved in the same directory as the transforms from ANTs (last argument). -
: Add intermediate transformation etween the template space and a final resampling space (e.g. MNI space after Affine or Rigid transformation). The transform file should be computed separately (see below) and saved in the same folder as the transforms from ANTs. -
: Will consider the MNI template as reference grid in the desired resolution (see Nilearn's MNI template).