This is a simple code for preprocessing ACE 2005 corpus for Event Extraction task. Note that ACE 2005 dataset is not free.
I have some modification from repo : I don't use PosTag and Dependency parsing. avoid error 'sentence too long' and > 2 sentences when use Stanford parser
- ETNew york -> ET new york
- aig.greenberg -> aig. greenberg
- (entity tag) he new chairman -> the new chair man
- (event tag) s->'s
- (sgm file) .4 % => 4%
Download stanford-corenlp model.
The data segmentation is specified in data_list.csv
I have created some format for many target:
<word> <tab> <tag event for trigger> <tab> <tag Name entity>
- full form: [tag Name entiy] and [tag event for trigger] are in long format: [BOI-tag]-[Type]:[Sub-type]
- short form: [tag Name entiy] and [tag event for trigger] are in short format: only [sub-type]
- without Name Entity: [word] [tab] [tag event for trigger][\n]
"sentence": "He visited all his friends.",
"tokens": ["He", "visited", "all", "his", "friends", "."],
"pos-tag": ["PRP", "VBD", "PDT", "PRP$", "NNS", "."],
"golden-entity-mentions": [
"text": "He",
"entity-type": "PER:Individual",
"start": 0,
"end": 0
"text": "his",
"entity-type": "PER:Group",
"start": 3,
"end": 3
"text": "all his friends",
"entity-type": "PER:Group",
"start": 2,
"end": 5
"golden-event-mentions": [
"trigger": {
"text": "visited",
"start": 1,
"end": 1
"arguments": [
"role": "Entity",
"entity-type": "PER:Individual",
"text": "He",
"start": 0,
"end": 0
"role": "Entity",
"entity-type": "PER:Group",
"text": "all his friends",
"start": 2,
"end": 5
"event_type": "Contact:Meet"
"parse": "(ROOT\n (S\n (NP (PRP He))\n (VP (VBD visited)\n (NP (PDT all) (PRP$ his) (NNS friends)))\n (. .)))"
Documents | Sentences | Event Mentions | Entity Mentions | |
Test | 40 | 750 | 424 | 4226 |
Dev | 30 | 958 | 505 | 4050 |
Train | 529 | 16307 | 4420 | 53045 |