Collection of addons for the KaraDio project.
See the Karadio project at
KaradioNokia5110 :(Deprecated): A lcd nokia5110 only interface.
karadiolcd16x2: : same for a 16*2 lcd. Added Four switches by Paul Sijben
karadioU8glib: For monochrome lcd or oled with an arduino pro mini. Optionnal: an IR decoder for the remote control.
karadioUCglib: Same as karadioU8glib but for color lcd.
karadioUCSTM32: A complete interface with a color lcd, IR sensor, encoder knob. Based on a low cost STM32 board.
karadioU8STM32: A complete interface with an oled B/W lcd, IR sensor, encoder knob. Based on a low cost STM32 board.
To add your own addon, please send me a zip with all files in a directory and a readme.txt.
A nice telnet+IR extension from Gábriel Kovács
A nextion touchscreen display for KaraDio from yo2ldk : Here