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Appveyor Deploy edited this page Aug 29, 2018 · 9 revisions

Configuration Manual v1.0.0.0

Table of contents

  1. YamlDeploymentAction
  2. YamlDeploymentActionTemplate
  3. YamlDeploymentProcess
  4. YamlDeploymentStep
  5. YamlDeploymentStepTemplate
  6. YamlEnvironment
  7. YamlLibraryVariableSet
  8. YamlLifecycle
  9. YamlMachineCleanupPolicy
  10. YamlMachineConnectivityPolicy
  11. YamlMachineHealthCheckPolicy
  12. YamlMachineHealthCheckScriptPolicy
  13. YamlMachinePolicy
  14. YamlMachineUpdatePolicy
  15. YamlNamedElement
  16. YamlOctopusModel
  17. YamlPhase
  18. YamlProject
  19. YamlProjectGroup
  20. YamlProjectTemplate
  21. YamlProjectTrigger
  22. YamlProjectTriggerAction
  23. YamlProjectTriggerFilter
  24. YamlPropertyValue
  25. YamlPropertyValues
  26. YamlRetentionPolicy
  27. YamlTagSet
  28. YamlTeam
  29. YamlTemplateReference
  30. YamlTemplates
  31. YamlTenant
  32. YamlUserRole
  33. YamlVariable
  34. YamlVariablePrompt
  35. YamlVariableScope
  36. YamlVersioningStrategy

To start with model root type, please see: YamlOctopusModel

Model description

1. YamlDeploymentAction

Project step deployment action definition. Because Octopus Action definitions are generic (based on ActionType and list of properties), the easiest way to check how to define new actions is to model them first in Octopus and then use OctopusProjectBuilder.exe to download them to yaml files.

Property Type Description
Name String Unique name. Default value: null.
UseTemplate YamlTemplateReference Indicates that the resource is template based. Default value: null.
ActionType String Action type. Default value: null.
EnvironmentRefs String[] List of Environment references (based on the name) where action would be performed on. If none are specified, then action would be performed on all environments. Default value: null.
Properties YamlPropertyValue[] Action properties. Default value: null.

2. YamlDeploymentActionTemplate

Deployment Step Action Template model definition.

Property Type Description
TemplateName String Unique template name. Default value: null.
TemplateParameters String[] List of template parameters, where accepted names should consist of alphanumeric characters and/or underscores. If template is not parameterized, the list should be left empty or undefined. Default value: null.
Name String Unique name. Default value: null.
UseTemplate YamlTemplateReference Indicates that the resource is template based. Default value: null.
ActionType String Action type. Default value: null.
EnvironmentRefs String[] List of Environment references (based on the name) where action would be performed on. If none are specified, then action would be performed on all environments. Default value: null.
Properties YamlPropertyValue[] Action properties. Default value: null.

3. YamlDeploymentProcess

Project deployment process definition.

Property Type Description
Steps YamlDeploymentStep[] List of steps to execute. Default value: null.

4. YamlDeploymentStep

Project Deployment Step model definition.

Property Type Description
Name String Unique step name. Default value: null.
UseTemplate YamlTemplateReference Indicates that the resource is template based. Default value: null.
StartTrigger StepStartTrigger Step start trigger. Possible values: StartAfterPrevious, StartWithPrevious. Default value: StartAfterPrevious.
RequiresPackagesToBeAcquired Boolean Wait for packages to be downloaded before running. Default value: False.
Condition StepCondition Step run condition. Possible values: Success, Failure, Always. Default value: Success.
Actions YamlDeploymentAction[] List of actions that are executed with this step. Default value: null.
Properties YamlPropertyValue[] List of step additional properties. Default value: null.

5. YamlDeploymentStepTemplate

Deployment Step Template model definition.

Property Type Description
TemplateName String Unique template name. Default value: null.
TemplateParameters String[] List of template parameters, where accepted names should consist of alphanumeric characters and/or underscores. If template is not parameterized, the list should be left empty or undefined. Default value: null.
Name String Unique step name. Default value: null.
UseTemplate YamlTemplateReference Indicates that the resource is template based. Default value: null.
StartTrigger StepStartTrigger Step start trigger. Possible values: StartAfterPrevious, StartWithPrevious. Default value: StartAfterPrevious.
RequiresPackagesToBeAcquired Boolean Wait for packages to be downloaded before running. Default value: False.
Condition StepCondition Step run condition. Possible values: Success, Failure, Always. Default value: Success.
Actions YamlDeploymentAction[] List of actions that are executed with this step. Default value: null.
Properties YamlPropertyValue[] List of step additional properties. Default value: null.

6. YamlEnvironment

Environment model.

Property Type Description
Name String Unique name. It can be used in other models to refer to this item. Default value: null.
RenamedFrom String Indicates that resource should be renamed. If specified, the upload process will try first to find resource with actual Name and update it. If not found it would try to find one with RenamedFrom name and update it, including rename to actual name. Only if none of the resources are found, a new one will be created. Default value: null.
Description String Resource description. Default value: null.

7. YamlLibraryVariableSet

Library Variable Set model definition allowing to define library variable sets and script modules.

Property Type Description
Name String Unique name. It can be used in other models to refer to this item. Default value: null.
RenamedFrom String Indicates that resource should be renamed. If specified, the upload process will try first to find resource with actual Name and update it. If not found it would try to find one with RenamedFrom name and update it, including rename to actual name. Only if none of the resources are found, a new one will be created. Default value: null.
Description String Resource description. Default value: null.
ContentType VariableSetContentType Variable set type. Possible values: Variables, ScriptModule. Default value: Variables.
Variables YamlVariable[] List of variables. Default value: null.

8. YamlLifecycle

Lifecycle model definition.

Property Type Description
Name String Unique name. It can be used in other models to refer to this item. Default value: null.
RenamedFrom String Indicates that resource should be renamed. If specified, the upload process will try first to find resource with actual Name and update it. If not found it would try to find one with RenamedFrom name and update it, including rename to actual name. Only if none of the resources are found, a new one will be created. Default value: null.
Description String Lifecycle resource description. Default value: null.
TentacleRetentionPolicy YamlRetentionPolicy Tentacle retention policy, defining how long deployments are being kept on machines. Default value: null.
ReleaseRetentionPolicy YamlRetentionPolicy Release retention policy, defining how long releases are being kept in Octopus. Default value: null.
Phases YamlPhase[] List of deployment phases. Default value: null.

9. YamlMachineCleanupPolicy

Machine cleanup policy.

Property Type Description
DeleteMachinesBehavior DeleteMachinesBehavior Machine deletion behaviour. Possible values: DoNotDelete, DeleteUnavailableMachines, Unspecified. Default value: -1.
DeleteMachinesElapsedTimeSpan String Time before machines are automatically deleted. Default value: null.

10. YamlMachineConnectivityPolicy

Machine connectivity policy.

Property Type Description
ConnectivityBehavior MachineConnectivityBehavior Connectivty behaviour. Possible values: ExpectedToBeOnline, MayBeOfflineAndCanBeSkipped, Unspecified. Default value: -1.

11. YamlMachineHealthCheckPolicy

Machine health check policy.

Property Type Description
HealthCheckInterval String Time between health checks. Default value: null.
TentacleEndpoint YamlMachineHealthCheckScriptPolicy Tentacle health check script policy. Default value: null.
SshEndpoint YamlMachineHealthCheckScriptPolicy SSH health check script policy. Default value: null.

12. YamlMachineHealthCheckScriptPolicy

Machine health check script policy.

Property Type Description
RunType MachineScriptPolicyRunType Script policy run type. Possible values: InheritFromDefault, Inline, Unspecified. Default value: -1.
ScriptBody String Scritp body. Default value: null.

13. YamlMachinePolicy

Machine Policy definition.

Property Type Description
Name String Unique name. It can be used in other models to refer to this item. Default value: null.
RenamedFrom String Indicates that resource should be renamed. If specified, the upload process will try first to find resource with actual Name and update it. If not found it would try to find one with RenamedFrom name and update it, including rename to actual name. Only if none of the resources are found, a new one will be created. Default value: null.
Description String Resource description. Default value: null.
HealthCheckPolicy YamlMachineHealthCheckPolicy Health check policy. Default value: null.
ConnectivityPolicy YamlMachineConnectivityPolicy Connectivity policy during health checks. Default value: null.
UpdatePolicy YamlMachineUpdatePolicy Calamari and Tentacle update policy. Default value: null.
CleanupPolicy YamlMachineCleanupPolicy Cleanup policy for unavailable machines. Default value: null.

14. YamlMachineUpdatePolicy

Machine update policy.

Property Type Description
CalamariUpdateBehavior CalamariUpdateBehavior Calamari update behaviour. Possible values: UpdateOnDeployment, UpdateOnNewMachine, UpdateAlways, Unspecified. Default value: -1.
TentacleUpdateBehavior TentacleUpdateBehavior Tentacle update behaviour. Possible values: NeverUpdate, Update, Unspecified. Default value: -1.

15. YamlNamedElement

Property Type Description
Name String Unique name. It can be used in other models to refer to this item. Default value: null.
RenamedFrom String Indicates that resource should be renamed. If specified, the upload process will try first to find resource with actual Name and update it. If not found it would try to find one with RenamedFrom name and update it, including rename to actual name. Only if none of the resources are found, a new one will be created. Default value: null.

16. YamlOctopusModel

Octopus model root type.

Property Type Description
MachinePolicies YamlMachinePolicy[] List of Machine Policies. Default value: null.
Environments YamlEnvironment[] List of Project Groups. Default value: null.
ProjectGroups YamlProjectGroup[] List of Project Groups. Default value: null.
Projects YamlProject[] List of Projects. Default value: null.
Lifecycles YamlLifecycle[] List of Lifecycles. Default value: null.
LibraryVariableSets YamlLibraryVariableSet[] List of Library Variable Sets (including Script modules). Default value: null.
UserRoles YamlUserRole[] List of User Roles. Default value: null.
Teams YamlTeam[] List of Teams. Default value: null.
Tenants YamlTenant[] List of tenants. Default value: null.
TagSets YamlTagSet[] List of tagsets Default value: null.
Templates YamlTemplates Templates node allowing to define templates for other octopus model elements. Default value: null.

17. YamlPhase

Lifecycle deployment Phase definition.

Property Type Description
Name String Unique name. It can be used in other models to refer to this item. Default value: null.
RenamedFrom String Indicates that resource should be renamed. If specified, the upload process will try first to find resource with actual Name and update it. If not found it would try to find one with RenamedFrom name and update it, including rename to actual name. Only if none of the resources are found, a new one will be created. Default value: null.
MinimumEnvironmentsBeforePromotion Int32 Number of environments where release has to be deployed in order to proceed to next phase, where 0 means all. Default value: 0.
TentacleRetentionPolicy YamlRetentionPolicy Tentacle retention policy, defining how long deployments are being kept on machines. If ReleaseRetentionPolicy and TentacleRetentionPolicy are not specified in this resource, the Lifecycle retention policies are used. Default value: null.
ReleaseRetentionPolicy YamlRetentionPolicy Release retention policy, defining how long releases are being kept in Octopus. If ReleaseRetentionPolicy and TentacleRetentionPolicy are not specified in this resource, the Lifecycle retention policies are used. Default value: null.
AutomaticDeploymentTargetRefs String[] List of environment references (based on name) where release is automatically deployed to. Default value: null.
OptionalDeploymentTargetRefs String[] List of environment references (based on name) where release is manually deployed to. Default value: null.

18. YamlProject

Octopus Project model.

Property Type Description
Name String Unique name. It can be used in other models to refer to this item. Default value: null.
RenamedFrom String Indicates that resource should be renamed. If specified, the upload process will try first to find resource with actual Name and update it. If not found it would try to find one with RenamedFrom name and update it, including rename to actual name. Only if none of the resources are found, a new one will be created. Default value: null.
UseTemplate YamlTemplateReference Indicates that the resource is template based. Default value: null.
Description String Project description. Default value: null.
LifecycleRef String Lifecycle reference. Default value: null.
ProjectGroupRef String Project Group reference. Default value: null.
IncludedLibraryVariableSetRefs String[] References of Library Variable Sets that should be included in the project. Default value: null.
IsDisabled Boolean Disable a project to prevent releases or deployments from being created. Default value: False.
AutoCreateRelease Boolean Default value: False.
DefaultToSkipIfAlreadyInstalled Boolean Skips package deployment and installation if it is already installed. Default value: False.
VersioningStrategy YamlVersioningStrategy Versioning strategy. Default value: null.
DeploymentProcess YamlDeploymentProcess Deployment process definition. Default value: null.
TenantedDeploymentMode String Project tenanted deployment mode Default value: null.
Variables YamlVariable[] Project variables. Default value: null.
Triggers YamlProjectTrigger[] Project triggers. Default value: null.

19. YamlProjectGroup

Project Group model.

Property Type Description
Name String Unique name. It can be used in other models to refer to this item. Default value: null.
RenamedFrom String Indicates that resource should be renamed. If specified, the upload process will try first to find resource with actual Name and update it. If not found it would try to find one with RenamedFrom name and update it, including rename to actual name. Only if none of the resources are found, a new one will be created. Default value: null.
Description String Resource description. Default value: null.

20. YamlProjectTemplate

Project Template model definition.

Property Type Description
TemplateName String Unique template name. Default value: null.
TemplateParameters String[] List of template parameters, where accepted names should consist of alphanumeric characters and/or underscores. If template is not parameterized, the list should be left empty or undefined. Default value: null.
Name String Unique name. It can be used in other models to refer to this item. Default value: null.
RenamedFrom String Indicates that resource should be renamed. If specified, the upload process will try first to find resource with actual Name and update it. If not found it would try to find one with RenamedFrom name and update it, including rename to actual name. Only if none of the resources are found, a new one will be created. Default value: null.
UseTemplate YamlTemplateReference Indicates that the resource is template based. Default value: null.
Description String Project description. Default value: null.
LifecycleRef String Lifecycle reference. Default value: null.
ProjectGroupRef String Project Group reference. Default value: null.
IncludedLibraryVariableSetRefs String[] References of Library Variable Sets that should be included in the project. Default value: null.
IsDisabled Boolean Disable a project to prevent releases or deployments from being created. Default value: False.
AutoCreateRelease Boolean Default value: False.
DefaultToSkipIfAlreadyInstalled Boolean Skips package deployment and installation if it is already installed. Default value: False.
VersioningStrategy YamlVersioningStrategy Versioning strategy. Default value: null.
DeploymentProcess YamlDeploymentProcess Deployment process definition. Default value: null.
TenantedDeploymentMode String Project tenanted deployment mode Default value: null.
Variables YamlVariable[] Project variables. Default value: null.
Triggers YamlProjectTrigger[] Project triggers. Default value: null.

21. YamlProjectTrigger

Project Trigger definition.

Property Type Description
Name String Unique name. It can be used in other models to refer to this item. Default value: null.
RenamedFrom String Indicates that resource should be renamed. If specified, the upload process will try first to find resource with actual Name and update it. If not found it would try to find one with RenamedFrom name and update it, including rename to actual name. Only if none of the resources are found, a new one will be created. Default value: null.
Filter YamlProjectTriggerFilter Trigger Filter. Default value: null.
Action YamlProjectTriggerAction Trigger Action. Default value: null.

22. YamlProjectTriggerAction

Project Trigger Action definition.

Property Type Description
ShouldRedeployWhenMachineHasBeenDeployedTo Boolean Should redeploy when machine has been deployed to. Default value: False.

23. YamlProjectTriggerFilter

Project Trigger Filter definition.

Property Type Description
EnvironmentRefs String[] List of environment references. Default value: null.
RoleRefs String[] List of Machine Role references (based on the name). No roles means all. Default value: null.
EventGroupRefs String[] List of event group references. Default value: null.
EventCategoryRefs String[] List of event category references. Default value: null.

24. YamlPropertyValue

Property Value definition.

Property Type Description
Key String Unique property key. Default value: null.
Value String Property value. Default value: null.
IsSensitive Boolean Should Octopus store this property value in encrypted format? (Please note that at this moment the sensitive values have to be stored in plain text in yaml definition.) Default value: False.

25. YamlPropertyValues

Property Value definition.

Property Type Description
Key String Unique property key. Default value: null.
Values String[] Property value. Default value: null.
IsSensitive Boolean Should Octopus store this property value in encrypted format? (Please note that at this moment the sensitive values have to be stored in plain text in yaml definition.) Default value: False.

26. YamlRetentionPolicy

Retention policy definition.

Property Type Description
QuantityToKeep Int32 Quantity to keep, where 0 means all. Default value: 0.
Unit RetentionUnit Retention unit type. Possible values: Days, Items. Default value: Days.

27. YamlTagSet

TagSet model.

Property Type Description
Name String Unique name. It can be used in other models to refer to this item. Default value: null.
RenamedFrom String Indicates that resource should be renamed. If specified, the upload process will try first to find resource with actual Name and update it. If not found it would try to find one with RenamedFrom name and update it, including rename to actual name. Only if none of the resources are found, a new one will be created. Default value: null.
Tags String[] List of tags Default value: null.

28. YamlTeam

Team definition.

Property Type Description
Name String Unique name. It can be used in other models to refer to this item. Default value: null.
RenamedFrom String Indicates that resource should be renamed. If specified, the upload process will try first to find resource with actual Name and update it. If not found it would try to find one with RenamedFrom name and update it, including rename to actual name. Only if none of the resources are found, a new one will be created. Default value: null.
UserRefs String[] List of user references. Default value: null.
ExternalSecurityGroupIds String[] List of external security group ids. Default value: null.
UserRoleRefs String[] List of user role references. Default value: null.
ProjectRefs String[] List of project references. Default value: null.
EnvironmentRefs String[] List of environment references. Default value: null.

29. YamlTemplateReference

Template reference definition.

Property Type Description
Name String The template name that given resource bases on. Default value: null.
Arguments Dictionary<String, String> The dictionary of template parameters-values. The specified arguments have to correspond to the parameter list in template definition. Default value: null.

30. YamlTemplates

Templates model definition.

The templating mechanism allows to simplify the model definitions and speed-up the process of defining them, by extracting the common model structure into the templates and later applying them to the models.

Specifying template values and applying it to the model

The model template allows to define values of all the properties that are defined in model. The model definition itself can refer to the template, but it also can have own specification of the properties. When the resource is being instantiated, the template would be used to provide the default values of the properties, that would be then customized with model definition.

Model property override

The model definition can override the default template value. It happens when both, template and model have defined the property value. The property value resolution is implemented in a following way:

  • if model have defined the value, it is being used,
  • if model does not have defined property value (it is null), then template value is used.

Please note, that properties of value type (like int, bool etc.) would never be null, so they cannot be templated. Please also note that properties of collection type (arrays, dictionaries) cannot be partially overridden. If model would contain a definition of such properties, the template property value would be ignored.

Parameterized templates

It is possible to parameterize templates with a list of parameters (consisting of alphanumeric and/or underscore characters). The parameters can be used in property values defined in the template (at any tree level, including inner models, dictionary values, etc.), but they can be only applied to string type properties. They are referenced with ${paramName} syntax. It is possible to escape the $ character with \ if string like should not be updated: \${this_is_not_a_param}.

Example: Assuming that we have parameters:

  • packageId=My_project
  • packageVersion=''

the property value "${packageId} ver ${packageVersion}" would be updated to "My_project ver"

Property Type Description
DeploymentActions YamlDeploymentActionTemplate[] List of Deployment Step Action templates Default value: null.
DeploymentSteps YamlDeploymentStepTemplate[] List of Deployment Step templates Default value: null.
Projects YamlProjectTemplate[] List of Project templates Default value: null.

31. YamlTenant

Tenant model.

Property Type Description
Name String Unique name. It can be used in other models to refer to this item. Default value: null.
RenamedFrom String Indicates that resource should be renamed. If specified, the upload process will try first to find resource with actual Name and update it. If not found it would try to find one with RenamedFrom name and update it, including rename to actual name. Only if none of the resources are found, a new one will be created. Default value: null.
TenantTagRefs String[] List of TenantTag references Default value: null.
ProjectEnvironmants YamlPropertyValues[] List of project environments Default value: null.

32. YamlUserRole

User Role model definition allowing to define user role and permissions.

Property Type Description
Name String Unique name. It can be used in other models to refer to this item. Default value: null.
RenamedFrom String Indicates that resource should be renamed. If specified, the upload process will try first to find resource with actual Name and update it. If not found it would try to find one with RenamedFrom name and update it, including rename to actual name. Only if none of the resources are found, a new one will be created. Default value: null.
Description String Resource description. Default value: null.
Permissions Permission[] List of Permissions. Possible values: None, AdministerSystem, ProjectEdit, ProjectView, ProjectCreate, ProjectDelete, ProcessView, ProcessEdit, VariableEdit, VariableEditUnscoped, VariableView, VariableViewUnscoped, ReleaseCreate, ReleaseView, ReleaseEdit, ReleaseDelete, DefectReport, DefectResolve, DeploymentCreate, DeploymentDelete, DeploymentView, EnvironmentView, EnvironmentCreate, EnvironmentEdit, EnvironmentDelete, MachineCreate, MachineEdit, MachineView, MachineDelete, ArtifactView, ArtifactCreate, ArtifactEdit, ArtifactDelete, FeedView, EventView, LibraryVariableSetView, LibraryVariableSetCreate, LibraryVariableSetEdit, LibraryVariableSetDelete, ProjectGroupView, ProjectGroupCreate, ProjectGroupEdit, ProjectGroupDelete, TeamCreate, TeamView, TeamEdit, TeamDelete, UserView, UserInvite, UserRoleView, UserRoleEdit, TaskView, TaskViewLog, TaskCreate, TaskCancel, TaskEdit, InterruptionView, InterruptionSubmit, InterruptionViewSubmitResponsible, BuiltInFeedPush, BuiltInFeedAdminister, BuiltInFeedDownload, ActionTemplateView, ActionTemplateCreate, ActionTemplateEdit, ActionTemplateDelete, LifecycleCreate, LifecycleView, LifecycleEdit, LifecycleDelete, AccountView, AccountEdit, AccountCreate, AccountDelete, AuditView, TenantCreate, TenantEdit, TenantView, TenantDelete, TagSetCreate, TagSetEdit, TagSetDelete, MachinePolicyCreate, MachinePolicyView, MachinePolicyEdit, MachinePolicyDelete, ProxyCreate, ProxyView, ProxyEdit, ProxyDelete, SubscriptionCreate, SubscriptionView, SubscriptionEdit, SubscriptionDelete, TriggerCreate, TriggerView, TriggerEdit, TriggerDelete, CertificateView, CertificateCreate, CertificateEdit, CertificateDelete, CertificateExportPrivateKey. Default value: null.

33. YamlVariable

Variable definition.

Property Type Description
Name String Variable name. Default value: null.
Value String Variable value. (Please note that OctopusProjectBuilder is not able to retrieve values of sensitive variables from Octopus) Default value: null.
IsSensitive Boolean Should Octopus store this variable in encrypted format? (Please note that at this moment the sensitive values have to be stored in plain text in yaml definition.) Default value: False.
IsEditable Boolean Default value: True.
Scope YamlVariableScope Variable scope, including roles, machines, environments, channels and actions. If none specified, variable will be always available in given context. Default value: null.
Prompt YamlVariablePrompt Default value: null.

34. YamlVariablePrompt

Property Type Description
Label String Default value: null.
Description String Default value: null.
Required Boolean Default value: False.

35. YamlVariableScope

Variable scope definition. It can limit variable visibility to specific context. The variable scope should be understood as (role1 OR ...roleN) AND (machine1 OR ...machineN) AND (env1 OR envN) AND... where if none resource references are defined of specific type (like role or machine etc.) then variable is available to all the resources of that type.

Property Type Description
RoleRefs String[] List of Role references (based on the name) where variable is applicable to. The roles correspond to roles that Machines have specified. If none are specified, then variable is available to all of them. Default value: null.
MachineRefs String[] List of Machine references (based on the name) where variable is applicable to. If none are specified, then variable is available to all of them. Default value: null.
EnvironmentRefs String[] List of Environment references (based on the name) where variable is applicable to. If none are specified, then variable is available to all of them. Default value: null.
ChannelRefs String[] List of Channel references (based on the name) where variable is applicable to. If none are specified, then variable is available to all of them. Default value: null.
ActionRefs String[] List of Action references (based on the name) where variable is applicable to. If none are specified, then variable is available to all of them. The Action references can be only specified in Project variables (LibraryVariableSets does not support them). Default value: null.
TenantTagRefs String[] List of TenantTags references (based on the name) where variable is applicable to. If none are specified, then variable is available to all of them. Default value: null.

36. YamlVersioningStrategy

Project versioning strategy.

Property Type Description
Template String Versioning template Default value: null.