Example Projekt with a possible Setup for Unit / Integration / System Tests
- Maven 3.3 (because usage of maven property ${maven.multiModuleProjectDirectory})
There is also a Problem with NetBeans 8.1. NetBeans cannot resolve dependencies with classifier. IntelliJ 14 or newer works as expected.
# run only unit tests
mvn clean test
# run integration tests (disabled by default)
mvn clean verify -DskipITs=false
# run system tests (disabled by default)
mvn clean verify -DskipSTs=false
- Only one Class / Business function ist tested
- No Database
- No Container
- Smallest possible unit to test
- Dependencies to other Classes are Mocked. (Mockito)
- Tests are inside src/test of the artifact where the unit under test class reside
- Multiple Classes / Business functions are orchestrated and tested together
- In-Memory Database per TestCase
- EE Container. Started once for all Integration Tests
- Arquillian Remote Managed Wildfly
- Datasource Deployment per TestCase inside arquillian war (*-ds.xml)
- DB Tables are generated from JPA DDL (hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto=create-drop)
- Arquillian Deployments contains only the classes neede for the testcase itself
- Testdata loaded manually inside @Test or @Before method... (test data builders...)
- Tests are separated from other code
- Full Wildfly deployment of the final WAR/EAR File.
- Container configuration via *.cli command line commands
- Real Database used because we need (hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto=validate)
- Database setup before deployment with maven-flyway-plugin
- Testdata loaded with sql-maven-plugin
- Tests are separated from other code
- Linked at StackOverflow Maven: How can I setup maven to run unit test and integration test separately
- https://dzone.com/articles/testing-java-ee-or-why-integration-tests-are-overr?edition=166457&utm_source=Daily%20Digest&utm_medium=email&utm_content=DZone%20Daily%20Digest&utm_campaign=dd%202016-04-28&userid=2603626