#Vagrant S'nce
Vagrant file plus Ansible for S'nce development (Symfony and eZ Publish 5 ready)
- Virtual Box installed (tested with version 5.1.12)
- Vagrant installed (tested with version 1.8.6, in vagrant 1.9.1 config.vm.network "private_network" doesn't work, in vagrant 1.8.7 the download box doesn't work)
- Plugin Vagrant-VBox (tested with version 0.13.0, install with command "vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest")
- Ansible installed (tested with version
- Update the IP with a proper one
- Update the vagrant/ansible/hosts file with the vagrant configured IP
###virtualbox.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--name", "SNCE"]
- Add the correct VM name instead of the SNCE placeholder
- Modify accordingly the vagrant/ansible/vars/apache.yml file (name)
- Replace the placeholder with the correct hostname
- Modify accordingly the vagrant/ansible/vars/apache.yml file (server_name)
- Copy the files inside your development directory
- Be sure that all the configurations placeholder are replaced and correct
- Update you /etc/hosts file accordingly to the
vagrant parameters vagrant up
- Done
##Tips Force cache and logs generation in non shared folders
##Installed software
- Apache 2.4.*
- Boto
- Bower 1.3.*
- Composer
- cURL
- Foundation CLI 1.*
- Git 1.8.*
- Grunt CLI 0.1.*
- ImageMagick
- Memcached
- MySQL 5.6.* -> root password:
- Node.js 0.10.*
- npm 1.3.*
- PHP 5.6.*
- php-cli
- php-curl
- php-gd
- php-imagick
- php-intl
- php-mbstring
- php-mcrypt
- php-memcache
- php-mhash
- php-mysqlnd
- php-opcache
- php-pdo
- php-pecl-apc
- php-pecl-ssh2
- php-xml
- php-xsl
- Ruby 2.*
- SASS 3.4.*
- Telnet
- Vim
- Wget
- NetTools
- Zip