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WCSS Peer Evaluator is an end-to-end web-application that allows teachers to create groups and students to rate their team members. It was designed with scale as it is being used by over 1,300 students at a highschool in Ottawa, Canada. The goal of the application is to simplify the process when group work occurs. This project was developed by Hady Ibrahim and Shushawn Saha.
Click here for a brief demo video!
Langauges: PHP, JavaScript, HTML, CSS
Libraries/Technologies: MySQL, AJAX, jQuery, Datatables, HighCharts, JSON, Excel Parsing, Relational Databases
This product includes a secure login with password hasing and session caching. Teachers are able to upload an excel sheet to create project with group and download excel sheet with all student rating data. In addition, they can view all students along with their details on submission. Administration are given the same functionality as teacher, but are also able to create, manage and delete students on a mass-scale. Students are able to rate their group members and see a visual distrubution through a pie chart. All the UI was designed to be fun, friendly and most importantly - simple to use!