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Some Awesome Project

A set of project setup guidelines for my personal projects.



Some Awesome Project provides a set of guidelines for setting up my personal projects. Whether you choose to clone an existing repository or create a new one from scratch, these steps will help you get started quickly.

Getting Started

Option A: Clone this repo

  1. Create a new repository: Start by creating a new repository on GitHub with a name and description.

  2. Clone with SSH: Clone this repository to your local machine using SSH.

cd ~/web
git clone [email protected]:SandroMiguel/some-awesome-project.git <YOUR-AWESOME-PROJECT>
code .
  1. Configure local name and email: Customize your Git configuration with your username and email.

I decided to use my professional email globally, and set up another email locally for my personal projects.

rm -fr .git
git init
git config --local "SandroMiguel" <--- put your username here
git config --local "[email protected]" <--- put your email here
  1. Install the dependencies
  1. Update the dependencies
yarn upgrade-interactive --latest
  1. Documentation: Don't forget to write a that introduces and explains your project.

Option B: Create a new repo from scratch

  1. Create a new repository: Start by creating a new repository on GitHub with a name, description, and choose to add a README and license.

  2. Clone with SSH: Clone the online repository to your local machine using SSH.

cd ~/web
git clone [email protected]:SandroMiguel/<YOUR-AWESOME-PROJECT>.git
code .
  1. Configure local name and email: Customize your Git configuration with your username and email.

I decided to use my professional email globally, and set up another email locally for my personal projects.

git config --local "SandroMiguel" <--- put your username here
git config --local "[email protected]" <--- put your email here
  1. Add .gitignore: Use gitignore-boilerplate

  2. Add package.json: Use package.json-boilerplate

ProTip: Sync Github topics with package.json file keywords

  1. Conventional Commit Messages & Semantic Versioning: See standard-commit

  2. Add .editorconfig: Use editorconfig-boilerplate

  3. Linting & Code Formatter: Install eslint-config-cecilia

  4. Documentation: Write a that introduces and explains your project.

  5. Constributing: Add

Visual Studio Code settings

Configure Workspace

Workspace settings


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        "activityBar.background": "#3eaeca99",
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        "statusBar.background": "#3eaeca99"

User settings


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        "source.fixAll": "explicit"
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Want to contribute? All contributions are welcome. Read the contributing guide.


If you have questions tweet me at @sandro_m_m or open an issue.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details

**~ sharing is caring ~**