template for my projects
Install with npm
npm i some-package
Run the script
- start - see Development
- lint - see Lint code
- lint:fix - see Fix linter errors
- format - see Format JavaScript
- format:php - see format-php
- stylelint - see Lint styles
- stylelint:fix - see Lint and fix styles
- test - see JavaScript unit testing
- test:watch - see JavaScript unit testing (watch mode)
- test:phpunit - see PHP unit testing
- e2e - see E2E testing
- build - see Production
Runs the app in the development mode.
Runs webpack and watches for changes.
yarn start
yarn lint
yarn lint:fix
yarn format
Example - format User.uploadPhoto.php
yarn run prettier ./requests/User.uploadPhoto.php --write
yarn stylelint
yarn stylelint:fix
yarn test
yarn test:watch
yarn test:phpunit
Run tests with UI
yarn e2e
Builds the app for production into the public
yarn build
yarn sync:some-package
Want to contribute? All contributions are welcome. Please read the contributing guide.
If you have questions tweet me at @sandro_m_m or open an issue.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details
**~ sharing is caring ~**