Muskit is an open-source music processing toolkit. Currently we mostly focus on benchmarking the end-to-end singing voice synthesis and expect to extend more tasks in the future. Muskit employs pytorch as a deep learning engine and also follows ESPnet and Kaldi style data processing, and recipes to provide a complete setup for various music processing experiments. The main structure and base codes are adapted from ESPnet (we expect to merge the Muskit into ESPnet in later stages)
The project has been merged to ESPnet! If you have any comments and suggestions, please feel free to discuss in espnet. See espnet/espnet#4437 for details. This repo will not be maintained anymore.
- Support numbers of
recipes in several databases (e.g., Kiritan, Oniku_db, Ofuton_db, Natsume database, CSD database) - On the fly feature extraction and text processing
- Reproducible results in serveral SVS public domain copora
- Various network architecutres for end-to-end SVS
- RNN-based non-autoregressive model
- Xiaoice
- Sequence-to-sequence Transformer (with GLU-based encoder)
- MLP singer
- Tacotron-singing (in progress)
- DiffSinger (to be published)
- Multi-speaker & Multilingual extention
- Speaker ID embedding
- Language ID embedding
- Global sytle token (GST) embedding
- Various language support
- Jp / En / Kr / Zh
- Integration with neural vocoders
- the style matches the PWG repo with supports of various of vocoders
The full installation guide is available at
Acoustic models are available at Vocoders are available at
The tutorial of how to use Muskits is at
A detailed recipe explanation in