Learn how to create enterprise and production ready Microservices with Spring, Spring Cloud, Docker and Kubernetes.
- Section 1 - Introduction to Microservices Architecture
- Section 2 - Microservices & Spring Cloud (Match Made in Heaven)
- Section 3 - How do we right size our Microservices & Identifying boundaries(Challenge 1)
- Section 4 - Getting started with creation of accounts, loans & cards microservices
- Section 5 - How do we build, deploy, scale our microservices using Docker (Challenge 2)
- Section 6 - Introduction to Cloud Native Apps & 12factors
- Section 7 - Configurations Management in Microservices (Challenge 3)
- Section 8 - Service Discovery & Registration(Challenge 4)
- Section 9 - Making Microservices Resilient (Challenge 5)
- Section 10 - Handling Routing & Cross cutting concerns (Challenge 6)
- Section 11 - Distributed tracing & Log aggregation (Challenge 7)
- Section 12 - Monitoring Microservices Metrics & Health (Challenge 8)
- Section 13 - Automatic self-heal, autoscale, deployments (Challenge 9)
- Good understanding on Java and Spring concepts
- Basic understanding on SpringBoot & REST services is a bonus but not mandatory
- Interest to learn and explore about Microservices
- Spring Cloud Project - https://spring.io/projects/spring-cloud
- Spring Cloud Config - https://spring.io/projects/spring-cloud-config
- Spring Cloud Gateway - https://spring.io/projects/spring-cloud-gateway
- Spring Cloud Netflix - https://spring.io/projects/spring-cloud-netflix
- Spring Cloud Sleuth - https://spring.io/projects/spring-cloud-sleuth
- The 12-factor App - https://12factor.net/
- Docker - https://www.docker.com/
- DockerHub - https://hub.docker.com/u/eazybytes
- Cloud Native Buildpacks - https://buildpacks.io/
- Resilience4j - https://resilience4j.readme.io/docs/getting-started
- Zipkin - https://zipkin.io/
- RabbitMQ - https://www.rabbitmq.com/
- Micrometer - https://micrometer.io/
- Prometheus - https://prometheus.io/
- Grafana - https://grafana.com/
- Kubernetes - https://kubernetes.io/
- GCP - https://console.cloud.google.com/
- GConsole - https://cloud.google.com/sdk
Maven Command | Description |
"mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true" | To generate a jar inside target folder |
"mvn spring-boot:run" | To start a springboot maven project |
"mvn spring-boot:build-image -Dmaven.test.skip=true" | To generate a docker image using Buildpacks. No need of Dockerfile |
Docker Command | Description |
"docker build . -t eazybytes/accounts" | To generate a docker image based on a Dockerfile |
"docker run -p 8081:8080 eazybytes/accounts" | To start a docker container based on a given image |
"docker images" | To list all the docker images present in the Docker server |
"docker image inspect image-id" | To display detailed image information for a given image id |
"docker image rm image-id" | To remove one or more images for a given image ids |
"docker image push docker.io/eazybytes/accounts" | To push an image or a repository to a registry |
"docker image pull docker.io/eazybytes/accounts" | To pull an image or a repository from a registry |
"docker ps" | To show all running containers |
"docker ps -a" | To show all containers including running and stopped |
"docker container start container-id" | To start one or more stopped containers |
"docker container pause container-id" | To pause all processes within one or more containers |
"docker container unpause container-id" | To unpause all processes within one or more containers |
"docker container stop container-id" | To stop one or more running containers |
"docker container kill container-id" | To kill one or more running containers instantly |
"docker container restart container-id" | To restart one or more containers |
"docker container inspect container-id" | To inspect all the details for a given container id |
"docker container logs container-id" | To fetch the logs of a given container id |
"docker container logs -f container-id" | To follow log output of a given container id |
"docker container rm container-id" | To remove one or more containers based on container ids |
"docker container prune" | To remove all stopped containers |
"docker compose up" | To create and start containers based on given docker compose file |
"docker compose stop" | To stop services |
Kubernetes Command | Description |
"kubectl apply -f filename" | To create a deployment/service/configmap based on a given YAML file |
"kubectl get all" | To get all the components inside your cluster |
"kubectl get pods" | To get all the pods details inside your cluster |
"kubectl get pod pod-id" | To get the details of a given pod id |
"kubectl describe pod pod-id" | To get more details of a given pod id |
"kubectl delete pod pod-id" | To delete a given pod from cluster |
"kubectl get services" | To get all the services details inside your cluster |
"kubectl get service service-id" | To get the details of a given service id |
"kubectl describe service service-id" | To get more details of a given service id |
"kubectl get nodes" | To get all the node details inside your cluster |
"kubectl get node node-id" | To get the details of a given node |
"kubectl get replicasets" | To get all the replica sets details inside your cluster |
"kubectl get replicaset replicaset-id" | To get the details of a given replicaset |
"kubectl get deployments" | To get all the deployments details inside your cluster |
"kubectl get deployment deployment-id" | To get the details of a given deployment |
"kubectl get configmaps" | To get all the configmap details inside your cluster |
"kubectl get configmap configmap-id" | To get the details of a given configmap |
"kubectl get events --sort-by=.metadata.creationTimestamp" | To get all the events occured inside your cluster |
"kubectl scale deployment accounts-deployment --replicas=3" | To increase the number of replicas for a deployment inside your cluster |
"kubectl set image deployment accounts-deployment accounts=eazybytes/accounts:k8s" | To set a new image for a deployment inside your cluster |
"kubectl rollout history deployment accounts-deployment" | To know the rollout history for a deployment inside your cluster |
"kubectl rollout undo deployment accounts-deployment --to-revision=1" | To rollback to a given revision for a deployment inside your cluster |
"kubectl autoscale deployment accounts-deployment --min=3 --max=10 --cpu-percent=70" | To create automatic scaling using HPA for a deployment inside your cluster |
"kubectl logs node-id" | To get a logs of a given node inside your cluster |