This is an C# SDK that maps some of the RESTful methods of Open API that are documented at
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
The external library u need to install in order to use this library:
The .NET framework you would need for this project is 4.5 or above
- Download this project and open it at local machine
- Right click "References" and find 'Newtonsoft.Json' to install the library
- Right click Project Name("RevenueMonsterOpenAPI") and click Build
- The RevenueMonsterOpenAPI.dll file is in bin/Debug folder
- Signature Algorithm
- Client Credentials (Authentication)
- Refresh Token (Authentication)
- Get Merchant Profile
- Get Merchant Subscriptions
- Get Stores
- Get Stores By ID
- Create Store
- Update Store
- Delete Store
- Get User Profile
- Payment (Transaction QR) - Create Transaction QRCode/URL
- Payment (Transaction QR) - Get Transaction QRCode/URL
- Payment (Transaction QR) - Get Transaction QRCode/URL By Code
- Payment (Transaction QR) - Get Transactions By Code
- Payment (Quick Pay) - Payment
- Payment (Quick Pay) - Refund
- Payment (Quick Pay) - Reverse
- Payment (Quick Pay) - Get All Payment Transactions
- Payment (Quick Pay) - Get All Payment Transaction By ID
- Payment (Quick Pay) - Get All Payment Transaction By OID
- Payment (Quick Pay) - Daily Settlement Report
- Give Loyalty Point
- Get Loyalty Members
- Get Loyalty Member
- Get Loyalty Member Point History
- Issue Voucher
- Void Voucher
- Get Voucher By Code
- Get Voucher Batches
- Get Voucher Batch By Key
- Send Notification (Merchant)
- Send Notification (Store)
- Send Notification (User)
- "sandbox" is for sandbox environment.
- "production" is for production environment.
- Get Client ID and Client Secret from portal.
- Generate private key and public key from portal.
- Store private key for own use and public key at portal.
- Setting up environment variables
- To set up client id, client secret and production/sandbox environment so that all of these are not needed to be mentioned later
ProjectEnvironment projectEnv = new ProjectEnvironment();
projectEnv.setEnvironment(clientId, clientSecret, "sandbox");
- Client Credentials (Authentication)
- To get refresh token and access token(expired after 2 hours) with using provided clientId and clientSecret
var result = await authorization.GetClientCredentials();
ProjectEnvironment.accessToken = result.accessToken;
ProjectEnvironment.refreshToken = result.refreshToken;
- Refresh Token (Authentication)
- To get new access token(expired after 2 hours) with using provided clientId and clientSecret (recommended to schedule to run this fucntion on every less than 2 hours) in order to avoid expired access token error.
var result = await authorization.RefreshToken();
ProjectEnvironment.accessToken = result.accessToken;
- Create Transaction QRCode/URL (TransactionQR)
- To create static/dynamic QR code for user scanning merchant's displayed QR
var data = new
amount = 100,
currencyType = "MYR",
method = ["WECHATPAY"],
expiry = new {
type = "PERMANENT"
order = new {
details = "1 x Coffee",
title = "Sales",
redirectUrl = "",
type = "DYNAMIC",
storeId = "123412341234",
isPreFillAmount = true
var result = await payment.CreateTransactionQRCodeUrl(data);
- Get Transaction QRCode/URL (TransactionQR)
- To get all QR Code(s) generated previously in the system
var result = payment.GetTransactionQrCodeUrl("10","STATIC","PERMANENT");
- Get Transaction QRCode/URL By Code (TransactionQR)
- To get specific QR Code generated previously in the system, by passing in code in query parameter (/qrcode/...)
var result = payment.GetTransactionQrCodeUrlByCode(code);
- Get Transactions By Code (TransactionQR)
- To get all transactions under existing QR code, by passing in code in query parameter (/qrcode/.../transactions)
var result = payment.GetTransactionsByCode(code);
- Payment (Quick Pay) - Payment
- To make payment by scanning barcode/authcode from user
var data = new
authCode = "161583080660761280", //get from user payment barcode
order = new {
amount = 100, currencyType = "MYR", id = "12345678131",
title = "title", detail = "desc", additionalData = "API Test"
ipAddress = "",
storeId = "123412341234",
var result = await payment.QuickPay(data);
- Payment (Quick Pay) - Refund
- To refund the successful transactions
var data = new
transactionId = "181203100634010427614646", // get from user's transaction
refund = new { type = "FULL", currencyType = "MYR", amount = 100 },
reason = "test",
var result = await payment.Refund(data);
- Payment (Quick Pay) - Reverse
- To reverse time-out or problematic transaction
var data = new
orderId = "12345678131",
var result = await payment.Reverse(data);
- Payment (Quick Pay) - Get Payment Transaction By ID
- To get details of a transaction by using transactionId
var result = payment.GetPaymentTransactionByID(transactionId);
- Payment (Quick Pay) - Get Payment Transaction By Order ID
- To get details of a transaction by using orderId
var result = payment.GetPaymentTransactionByOrderID(orderId);
- Give Loyalty Point
- To give certain loyalty points to a loyalty member
var data = new
point = 100,
type = "ID",
memberId = "7265269757706630308",
// type = "PHONENUMBER",
// countryCode = "60",
// phoneNumber = "123456789",
var result = await loyalty.GiveLoyaltyPoint(data);
- Get Loyalty Members
- To get details of every loyalty members
var result = await loyalty.GetLoyaltyMembers();
- Get Loyalty Member
- To get details of a certain loyalty member
string memberId = "7265269757706630308";
var result = await loyalty.GetLoyaltyMembers(memberId);
- Get Loyalty Member Point History
- To get details of point history of a certain loyalty member
string memberId = "7265269757706630308";
var result = await loyalty.GetLoyaltyMemberPointHistory(memberId);
- Issue Voucher
- To issue voucher to customer
var batchKey = "EhQKCB1lcoNoYw50EBXVzd3RraqTDRIYCgxWb5VjaGVy6mF0Y2gQ55azPp_qz6xK";
var result = await voucher.IssueVoucher(batchKey);
- Void Voucher
- To void voucher of customer
var code = "BcHeTSMoz";
var result = await voucher.VoidVoucher(code);
- Get Voucher By Code
- To get detail of a single voucher by code
var code = "BcHeTSMoz";
var result = await voucher.GetVoucherByCode(code);
- Get Voucher Batches
- To get detail of a multiple voucher batches
var result = await voucher.GetVoucherBatches();
- Get Voucher Batch By Key
- To get detail of a voucher batch by batch key
var batchKey = "EhQKCB1lcoNoYw50EBXVzd3RraqTDRIYCgxWb5VjaGVy6mF0Y2gQ55azPp_qz6xK";
var result = await voucher.GetVoucherBatchByKey(batchKey);
Sample can be found here