There is a continuation of this addon TabSaver 2. Check it out! First version of this addon is unlikely to be updated, it works though.
WebExtension to manage your tabs. With this extension you can save tabs in current window and open them later.
Install from
Current state of Firefox WebExtension Api restricts opening of privileged urls (such as file:///
, chrome:
, about:
, etc..) so placeholder page will be opened where you can copy link to clipboard and manually paste it into the location bar. Sad.
Click and hold button. Such action made to prevent accidental remove. Other buttons with such behavior are Undo
, Replace TabSet
, Remove TabSet
Yes. Such preference available in addon's preferences. Click on cog icon in the panel's bottom right corner, to access preferences.
It means that tab is pinned.
It means that tab's container was removed
Yes, you can detach popup panel as well.
Yes, available in preferences.
Yes, available in preferences.
First install dependencies: npm install
Second compile js with webpack npm run compile:prod
Then, If you want to build artifact: ./node_modules/.bin/web-ext build -s ext
. this will create zip archive in ./web-ext-artifacts
And If you want to run extension in dev mode: ./node_modules/.bin/web-ext run -s ext
- Revert to 0.2.4 version as there are some complications with recent versions
- Technical release
- Style improvements. Code cleanup
- Updated dependencies
- Style improvements. Fixed controls interaction with text and scrollbars
- Size of the window is now saved
- Updated to Vue 3
- Style improvements. Theme now obeys firefox's theme (dark, light)
- Fixed active tab highlighting in Firefox versions >= 101
- Fixed tab opening in private mode. Thanks to Crikxi
- Updated icon
- Updated code dependencies
- Updated dependencies
- Updated dependencies
- Option to open tab in same tab
- Fixed import issue
- Refine drag'n'drop
- Minor refactoring
- Show border over element when dragging
- Reload tab icon added (shift click to cache free reload, middle click to duplicate)
- Reload all window tabs icon added (shift click to cache free reload)
- Undo button's text changed to icon
- Code fixes
- Controls hover behavior
- Extension options page
- Ability to manage window's tabs
- Undo feature
- Detachable panel
- Sidebar panel
- Color may be assigned to TabSet
- Options to show tab's
- tab's title
- favicon
- count
- Dark/light themes support
- Panel works in private window
There were dragons...