Tried deploying to Lambda via Zappa and Serverless. File was too big but when I finally got it under 512MB on Zappa I had to set "use_precompiled_packages": false which disabled C extensions. This affected _imaging from Pillow and
Google bucket to upload to Imgur Note: couldn't figure out how to upload file objects to ImgurFigured out- Imgur create gallery to store input
- Create frontend rather than Flask restplus
- Style all the pages
- Feedback form with star rating and description
- Separate pages explaining how it works, link to repo, etc
- Output
- Hook into React gallery
- Calculate estimated time based on tf loss
- Email user when output is finished
- Make separate Imgur account
- Hook up Imgur account to app
- Check to see if requirements.txt works. Used pipreqs to get a cleaner file
- Account for bad input
- Make Imgur images public when uploaded
Below is Vince's original README explaining how this version of style transfer works
An algorithm that transfers the distribution of visual characteristics, or style, of a reference image onto a subject image via an Optimal Transport plan.
- For a general description and pictures: style-transfer-theory.pdf.
- For an explanation of the use of L2-Wasserstein distance instead of the loss function from the Gatys et. al framework see why_wasserstein.ipynb.
- Demo video
tl;dr - Passes a subject and style image through the convolution layers of the vgg19 network. Extracts probabalistic descriptions (first two moments) of the convolution filter activations. Calculates L2-Wasserstein distance between these probability distributions and then modifies the subject image optimally to minimize this distance.
- Python 3 (w/ NumPy and PIL)
- Tensorflow (tested w/ version 1.3)
- 'vgg_conv.npy' binary (115.5 MB) which contains calibrated convolution filters from vgg19 network. Can be downloaded here [md5sum: bf8a930fec201a0a2ade13d3f7274d0e]
Basic Usage from Command Line:
python --subject media/wave_small.jpg --style media/kngwa_small.jpg --output media/wave_kngwa.jpg --vggnet vgg_conv.npy
loss: 118,500,040.00
post clip | time: 49.0 final loss: 2,771,486.50
synthesized image saved: media/wave_kngwa.jpg