Website component for the game server side addon for capturing unit movement and behaviour to a database for After Action Replays online.
No modifications to your missions required, nothing for clients to download.
Being built along side the addon component and automated tiler
An exact mirror of this repo can be viewed here which contains replays from ARK Group
Note: R3 is currently undergoing a big v1 data storage refactor read more
- Follow the step by step instructions on the addon repo and ensure you have mission event data in your database
- Download the latest web release
- Rename
, pay close attention toDB_*
and timezone configurations - Upload the files to your web server which matches the URL in
. Take note of/.htaccess
in the download that may be hidden on your system before you upload.
Make sure you enable
on your web server. If you don't your users will be sat waiting for the playback to load for a long time, and downloading 100s MBs each time. This is very important. -
Ensure your MySQL server timezone matches that of your server / R3 config. If they aren't the same, missions may incorrectly auto hide or fail to show as in progress.
R3 supports over 90 popular terrains. Just played a mission on a map that R3 doesn't yet support? Feel free to add it yourself and let every user of R3 benefit from it! Follow the simple instructions here
Is a modded vehicle using the vanilla map icon instead of the correct shape and outline for that mod? Submit new vehicle icons here, and every user of R3 will get access to it! Follow the simple instructions here
You can find me (Titan) on the R3 Discord or feel free to create an issue here.
In an ideal world I'd be using web sockets and node to stream from the game server straight to a flat json file, and to the browser. However the goal is to allow Arma 3 server admins to be able to run this and contribute. PHP + MySQL is the most common setup these administrators (with potentially limited sysadmin knowledge or sudo access) will have so it is the correct choice, as limiting as that can be!