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starter template for react with vite, react-query, vitest, storybook, and more...

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Starter React-Vite Boilerplate

This is a starter boilerplate for React + Vite with:



  • Make sure to have pnpm installed.


  • Clone and pnpm i.
  • Run cp .env.example .env to create a .env file for environment variables (use PS on windows).
  • Run pnpm run dev.
  • Navigate to localhost:3000.

Style Guides

Folder Structure

├── api
│     ├── client.ts                             # API client factory
│     ├── types.ts                              # API global types
│     ├── utils.ts                              # API utilities
│     └── clients                               # API clients declaration
│           └── <client>
│                 ├── client.ts                 # API instance
│                 ├── methods.ts                # API endpoint methods
│                 ├── params.ts                 # API query params definitions
│                 ├── payload.ts                # Request payload type definitions
│                 ├── response.ts               # Responses type definitions
│                 └── transform.ts              # Response transform functions
├── app
│     ├── app.tsx                               # App entry file
│     ├── ErrorBoundary.tsx                     # Error boundary
│     └── Providers.tsx                         # App providers wrapper
├── assets                                      # Assets folder
├── components
│       └── <ComponentName>
│               ├── ComponentName.tsx           # Component declaration
│               ├── ComponentName.stories.tsx   # Storybook templates
│               ├── ComponentName.test.tsx      # Unit tests
│               └── package.json                # Main file declaration for neat imports
├── constants                                   # App config & constants
├── contexts                                    # React context declarations
├── hooks                                       # Custom hooks
├── i18n                                        # Internationalization
├── icons                                       # SVG to JSX generated icons
├── mocks                                       # Mock data for testing
├── models                                      # Internal app models declaration
├── providers                                   # Routing providers
├── routes                                      # routing
│     ├── Routes.tsx                            # Routing tree declaration
│     └── paths.tsx                             # route paths
├── screens                                     # App screens
│       └── <ScreenName>
│                 ├── Screen.tsx                # Screen declaration
│                 ├── Screen.test.tsx           # Unit tests
│                 ├── <Nested>                  # Nested routes/screen-specific components
│                 └── package.json              # Main file declaration for neat imports
├── store
│     ├── index.ts                              # Store declaration
│     ├── reducers
│     │      ├── index.ts                       # Exports combined reducer
│     │      └── <reducerName.reducer>.ts
│     ├── selectors                             # Selectors folder
│     │      └── <reducerName.selector>.ts      # Name should be related to reducer name
│     ├── hooks.ts                              # Typed React Redux hooks (useSelector, useDispatch)
│     └── Provider.tsx                          # Redux store provider (handy for unit testing)
├── styles
│     ├── index.ts                              # Global styles
│     ├── shared.ts                             # Shared styled components
│     ├── theme.ts                              # styled-components theme
│     └── Provider.tsx                          # styled-components theme provider
└── utils                                       # Utility functions

Available Scripts

  • dev: Run dev server
  • build: Run build (will be outputted into dist directory)
  • serve: Serve a preview of the production build (not optimized for production use, just for preview)
  • test: Run vitest unit tests (watch mode)
  • test:run: Run vitest unit tests (do not watch)
  • lint: Run ESLint on the entire project
  • lint:knip: Run Knip on the entire project to locate unused code
  • lint:spelling: Runs cSpell cli to check for unknown words and typos
  • format: Run Prettier code formatting on the entire project
  • isready: Run format, lint, type-check, build and tests at once
  • generate-icons: Generate JSX components from all the icons from the assets/icons directory (the output will be accessible in the icons directory
  • storybook: Run storybook design system
  • release: Generate a tagged release and update the changelog document


starter template for react with vite, react-query, vitest, storybook, and more...






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Contributors 3

