JSON language definition files
Export from 1.0.0 master sheet September 2015
Every JSON file has the following file name structure:
- POLYGLOT is the name of the project
- VERSION is the version string (3 digits, no point or comma), e.g. "100"
- LANGUAGE is the ISO-639-1 language code (lower case) and the regional code (upper case), e.g. "enUS"
Version has a "-" (minus) in front, and all languages are separated by "_" (underscores) for easy string explosion.
Every JSON language file has the following structure:
{ "resources": { "polyglot": { "LANG": $langstring, "DIRECTION": $direction, "VERSION": $version, "DATE": $date }, "data": [ { "n": $idString, "s": $translation }, ... ] } }
- "resources" root element
- "polyglot" info tag & attributes: $langstring (e.g. "German"), $direction ("ltr"/"rtl"), $version (e.g. "100"), $date (e.g. "2015-09-26")
- "data" block with subsections containing "n": $idString and "s": $translation pairs from the Polyglot database