Releases: PolaricServer/aprsd
Releases · PolaricServer/aprsd
Updates, improvements..
- Update libraries
- Allow HTTPS for backend webserver
- Scripts work
- Config tidying
- Performance improvements, especially in overlay generation
- Allow user to change group/role for a session, alternative group/role for users
- Allow database logging of alias/icon/tag settings
- Get rid of FST - incompatible with JDK17
- Move to JDK17
- Don't send packets if callsign not set
- Various fixes..
Hotfix. Dest. address - use uppercase characters
2.11.1 Small fix extra release
- Remove unused i18n stuff and gettext dependency
- Use FST for serialization and saving data to file
- Allow to specify tags for search in filter script
- Allow using filter in db search
- Add some missing icons..
- Websocket work (between server nodes)
- group config file
- Check rf-channel when used in igate (security) !!
- various fixes..
- Adaptations for DbSync - allow syncing user-db with DbSync (see Database plugin)
- REST client
- Allow HMAC based authentication in REST client and APIs (See Arctic Tracker and Database plugin)
- Use cuckoo filter for nonce duplicate checking...
- Own position and GPS work (tracking, smart beaconing, extra/redundant reports)
- Announce server using mDNS (Zeroconf)
- Tracker management fix
- Various fixes..
Hotfix, RemoteCtl
RemoteCtl work, fixes..
Hotfix, RF channel, messaging, remote ctl
Use of RF channel for messaging.. Fixes..
Messaging fixes and improvements..
Remote control fixes and improvements..