Adds an Icon Library ACF Option Page and an 'icon-picker' acf-field.
Original Plugin, no longer maintained, by:
WordPress plugin that adds an ACF Icon Library and Icon Picker that can be used within other ACF Field Groups:
- Adds a WordPress BO page called "Icon Library" where you can add your Icons;
- Adds an ACF called "Icon Picker" where you can choose from the Icons added to the "Icon Library";
- Supports WPGraphQL and triggers a full build whenever an Icon is added, replaced or deleted;
This ACF field type is compatible with: [x] ACF 5 [x] ACF 6
- Add a line to your repositories array:
{ "type": "git", "url": "" }
- Add a line to your require block:
"pixelmatters/pixelmatters-wp-acf-icon-library": "main"
- Run: composer update
- Copy the
folder into yourwp-content/plugins
folder - Activate the Icon Library plugin via the plugins admin page
- Add your Icons to the Icon Library options page
- Create a new field via ACF and select the Icon Selector type
- 1.0.0 - First release from Pixelmatters version
- Automatic title from filename;
- Multiple Icon Upload;
- Multiple Icon Variant Support (Line, Dark, Light);
- Icon Library => Media Library;
- Have ideas for new features? Check below.
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Licensed under the MIT License.