This repository is a fork of the very well known jwilder/nginx-proxy
I customised it to my needs. Which are:
- Provide an override for location /
- While using fastcgi, nginx serves static files directly instead of passing them along
- Multi node, Multi container swarm config
- Every node generate their config as usual, except they do it in a different folder (/etc/nginx/node.conf.d/)
- the nginx.tmpl is using service_name instead of IP
- The proxy is deployed globally (one instance per node)
- A cron will run periodically to check if anything has changed and run a python script
- That python script combines all configs into one that is /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf using (crossplane)[] and reload nginx
For this to work, all you need is a way to share data between node. It could be a volume driver or anything. I'm using azure, so I have a shared directory on all nodes (which also contains my static files) so I bind /etc/nginx/node.conf.d/ in the shared directory, all nodes add their files, all proxy will regenerate their config including all other nodes. When a new node joins, entr will trigger in each node and the new configuration is generated. If you rebalance your swarm, docker-gen will trigger, that node's config will be updated which in turns triggers entr and so on.
If you want your node.conf.d/ files to have the host name instead of the container ID to ease debugging, you can add this environment variable:
- NODE_HOSTNAME={{.Node.Hostname}}
If you provide /app/ it will be loaded before starting forego
You can set LOCATION_PATH=xxx
on either the proxy for all containers or on the container itself (eg: "~ .php$") and
use the vhost.d/default or vhost.d/{VIRTUAL_HOST} to add:
location / {
try_files $uri /index.php?$query_string;
limit_rate_after 1000k;
limit_rate 50k;
location {LOCATION_PATH} {
You can bind your files in "/etc/nginx/static_files/{VIRTUAL_HOST}" and nginx will set the root of the server block to that folder as follows:
server {
root /etc/nginx/static_files/;
In combination with LOCATION_PATH override you can skip sending queries to the container and serve files directly.
Be aware that if using FastCGI you will also have to explicitly set your VIRTUAL_ROOT.
Since we're working in a swarm and the upstreams are networks with possibly many replicas, you migh want to disable max_fails for nginx so even if one container fails, nginx keeps sending requests on that network.
A new environment variable which is either applied on the service or on the proxy as default is available:
- SERVER_OPTIONS=max_fails=0
This will essentially tell nginx, don't bother, keep sending!