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Applying the AEVB Estimator to Latent Variable Models

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Autoencoding Variational Bayes

Applying the AEVB Estimator to Latent Variable Models

Table of Contents

  1. Overview
    1. Interoperability
    2. Distribution Support
    3. KL Support
  2. Auto-Encoding Variational Bayes (AEVB)
  3. How to Use
    1. Restrictions on apply
    2. Restrictions on init
    3. Using Flax Modules for Encoder/Decoder
    4. Using Equinox Modules for Encoder/Decoder
    5. Using Haiku Modules for Encoder/Decoder
  4. User Install
  5. Developer Install


The purpose of this package is to provide a simple (but general) implementation of the Auto-Encoding Variational Bayes (AEVB) inference algorithm (Kingma et. al, 2014) as well as a composable and interoperable interface for the implementation.


  • Arbitrary init/apply callables for the encoder/decoder mappings.
  • Flax modules for the initialization and encoder/decoder mappings.
  • Equinox modules for the initialization and encoder/decoder mappings.
  • Haiku modules for the initialization and encoder/decoder mappings.

Distribution Support

  • Reparameterization trick support for loc/scale distribution families.
  • Reparameterization trick support for tractable inverse CDF distribution families.
  • Reparameterization trick support for composable distribution families.
  • REINFORCE estimator support.

KL Support

  • Support for analytical KL term for normal prior and normal recognition model distribution.
  • Support for intractable KL term.
  • Support for analytical KL term for other prior and recognition model distributions.

Auto-Encoding Variational Bayes (AEVB)

I think of AEVB working with a generative model and a recognition model. The generative model consists of a prior over continuous latent variables $z$, a mapping from latent variables $z$ to the parameters of a distribution over observed data variable $x$, and the actual form of the "observation distribution" over $x$. In other words,

$$ \text{generative model} = p(x,z) = p(z)p(x|g_{\theta}(z)) $$

I often refer to $g_{\theta}$ as the "decoder".

The recognition model consists of a mapping from data $x$ to the parameters of a distribution over continuous latent variables $z$, and the actual form of the distribution over $z$. In other words,

$$ \text{recognition model} = q(z|f_{\phi}(x)) $$

I often refer to $f_{\phi}$ as the "encoder".

How To Use

In order to use aevb, the user must define...

Parameter name Type Description
latent_dim int The dimension of the latent variable $z$.
data_dim int The dimension of the data $x$.
gen_prior str | Callable The logpdf function of a prior distribution over continuous latent variable $z$, or a string corresponding to a built-in prior.
gen_obs_dist str | Callable The logpdf function of a distribution over the data $x$, or a string corresponding to a built-in distribution.
gen_apply Callable A function mapping learnable parameters and latent variable $z$ to the parameters of the obs_dist.
gen_init Callable An initialization for the parameters and state that will be passed into gen_apply.
rec_dist str | tuple[Callable, Callable] The logpdf function and reparameterized sample function of a distribution over continuous latent variable $z$, or a string corresopnding to a built-in distribution.
rec_apply Callable A function mapping learnable parameters and data variable $x$ to the parameters of the rec_dist.
rec_init Callable An initialization for the parameters and state that will be passed into rec_apply.
optimizer GradientTransformation An optax optimizer.
n_samples int The number of samples to take from the reparameterized sample function of rec_dist during one step of optimization.

Restrictions on apply

The gen_apply and rec_apply callables need to have a specific signature and form in order to work with aevb:

The signature can be represented like so:

import jax
from jax.typing import ArrayLike

ArrayTree = jax.Array | Iterable["ArrayTree"] | Mapping[Any, "ArrayTree"]
ArrayLikeTree = ArrayLike | Iterable["ArrayLikeTree"] | Mapping[Any, "ArrayLikeTree"]

def apply(
    params: ArrayLikeTree, 
    state: ArrayLikeTree, 
    input: ArrayLike, 
    train: bool
): -> tuple[Dict[str, Array], ArrayLikeTree]
    return out, state
  • The apply function should apply parameters and a (optional) state to an input in order to produce a tuple consisting of the output and an (optional) updated state. The train boolean flag is for the purpose of possibly updating the state. This is a common pattern in the flax library.
  • An example of a state is a representation ofthe current values for the Batchnorm statistics.
  • If no state is needed, then one can bind an empty dictionary to state as well as to the second element of the output tuple.

Another restriction on apply is that the first element of the output tuple is a dictionary mapping string keys to jax Arrays. These keys need to correspond to the *_dist of the encoder/decoder.

  • That is, for the gen_apply, the keys need to correspond to the input arguments of gen_obs_dist logpdf callable.

Restrictions on init

The gen_init and rec_init callables need only have a specific output form in order to work with aevb. That is, they both need to return a tuple consisting of params, state. Similarly, if the state is not needed this can be an empty dictionary {}.

Using Flax Modules for Encoder/Decoder

aevb provides functions that convert flax modules into init/apply functions that conform with the above specifications. The only restriction is that the __call__ method of the flax module has a train: bool input argument. It is not required that this train arg is actually used in the method, however. Here is a simple example.

import jax.numpy as jnp
import jax.random as random
import flax.linen as nn
from aevb.flax_util import init_apply_flax_model

class Mlp(nn.Module):
    def __call__(self, x, train: bool = False):
        x = nn.Dense(7)(x)
        x = nn.Dense(1)(x)
        return {"x": x}

mlp = Mlp()
init, apply = init_apply_flax_model(mlp)
params, state = init(random.key(0), jnp.ones(6))
apply(params, state, jnp.ones((10, 6)), train=True)
# ({'x': Array([[0.9643452],
#          [0.9643452],
#          [0.9643452],
#          [0.9643452],
#          [0.9643452],
#          [0.9643452],
#          [0.9643452],
#          [0.9643452],
#          [0.9643452],
#          [0.9643452]], dtype=float32)},
#  {})
  • Note how when converting a flax.nn.Module to init/apply, the init requires a random key and an array with the same shape as the data.

Using Equinox Modules for Encoder/Decoder

aevb provides functions that convert equinox modules into init/apply functions that conform with our specifications. The only restrictions are:

  1. The __call__ method should only have x, state as arguments, thus all layer instantiation should be done in __init__. Here is a simple example.
  2. The module should be transformed by equinox.nn.make_with_state. This can conveniently done with a decorator (see following example)

Here is a simple example.

import jax.numpy as jnp
import jax.random as random
import equinox as eqx
from aevb.equinox_util import init_apply_eqx_model

class Mlp(eqx.Module):
    l1: eqx.nn.Linear
    l2: eqx.nn.Linear

    def __init__(self, key: random.key):
        l1_key, l2_key = random.split(key)
        self.l1 = eqx.nn.Linear(in_features=6, out_features=7, key=l1_key)
        self.l2 = eqx.nn.Linear(in_features=7, out_features=1, key=l2_key)

    def __call__(self, x, state):
        x = self.l1(x)
        x = self.l2(x)
        return {"x": x}, state

model = Mlp(random.key(0))
init, apply = init_apply_eqx_model(model, batchnorm=False, input_dim=6)
params, state = init()
apply(params, state, jnp.ones((10, 6)), train=False)
# ({'x': Array([[0.3000745],
#          [0.3000745],
#          [0.3000745],
#          [0.3000745],
#          [0.3000745],
#          [0.3000745],
#          [0.3000745],
#          [0.3000745],
#          [0.3000745],
#          [0.3000745]], dtype=float32)},
#  State())
  • Note how when converting from an equinox.Module, the init takes no input arguments.

Using Haiku Modules for Encoder/Decoder

Work in progress...


User Install

By default, installing the package will install the CPU version of jax. If you have a GPU and would like to utilize it, first install the jax build that fits your hardware specifications.

Also, if you want to use a supported neural network library (e.g. Flax), you can append its name to the commands below.

Description Command
Minimal install pip install git+

Note: to run an example you will have to install other packages. For example, to run examples/flax/ you will need to install datasets, matplotlib, and flax.

Developer Install

Clone the repository; and within the root of the project, create and activate a virtual environment.

python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate

Install project in editable mode along with its dependencies.

pip install -e .[examples]


Applying the AEVB Estimator to Latent Variable Models






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