- Clone this assignment to a folder on your external harddrive, OneDrive, or other convenient location.
- Open CLion.
- Select 'Open' from the welcome screen.
- Choose the cloned folder as the project to open.
- CLion should open and allow you to start.
- If a popup says 'Externally added files can be added to Git' or similar, click 'Always Add'.
- Create your program using the given "main.cpp" file located in the "src" folder.
- Any additional source files (e.g. .cpp,.h,etc.) to the src folder.
- Complete the question from the 'Assignment 3 - Spell Checker.pdf' file.
- Generate a single PDF of all source files (.cpp/.h) by using "File->Print" in CLion.
- Save the PDF in the cloned assignment folder.
- Upload the PDF to the Brightspace assignment folder by the deadline.
- Make sure all source files are added to Git in CLion.
- Create a screencast video (e.g. screencastify) of a demonstration using the following features of your program:
- Run your program using 'test.txt' as the target document and 'dictionary.txt' as the dictionary file.
- Clearly view the output identifying the misspelled words.
- Open the balanced tree file in an editor to view the results.
- Ensure that the entire balanced tree can be seen in the video.
- Save the tree file in the 'output' folder.
- (all above test files are located in the 'tests' folder)
- Include all created files in your final commit.
- For your final commit, use the description "assignment completed".
- Push the final submission to GitHub by the deadline.
- Add a link to the video in the comment section when submitting the PDF to Brightspace.
If you have any questions about this process, please ask your instructor!