- Configured Prometheus in kubernetes
- Configured Prometheus and Grafana for metrics collecting
- Configured Helm
- Configured Gitlab in Kubernetes
- Started CI/CD pipeline in Kubernetes
- Configured LoadBalancer Service
- Configured Ingress Service
- Configured TLS Termination
- Configured Network Policies
- Configured PersistentVolumes
- Configured PersistentVolumeClaims
- Configured local environment for Kubernetes by Minikube.
- Configured Kubernetes cluster in GKE.
- Started Reddit app servces in GKE cluster.
- Described App with Kubernetes Deployment manifests.
- Configured Kubernetes components manualy during Kubernetes_The_Hard_Way tutorial.
- Configured EFK (fluentd, elasticsearch, kibana) stack for collecting, parsing and visualization logs.
- Configured json parsing filter for structured logs.
- Configured regexp parsing filter and grok_pattern filters for non-structured logs.
- Configured Zipkin service for distributed tracing.
- Configured cAdvisor for docker containers monitoring.
- Started Grafana. Configured dashboards in Grafana for docker containers monitoring.
- Configured dashboards (Histogram, 95th procentile) in Grafana for app services monitoring.
- Configured dashboards in Grafana for business logic monitoring.
- Started Alertmanager. Configured alert to Slack channel by webhook from Prometheus.
- Tested Prometheus in docker container.
- Created config prometheus.yml
- Builded docker-compose images for app services and prometheus.
- Tested healthchecks.
- Started node_exporter docker container. Tested docker-host CPU load.
- Pushed images to Docker Hub. https://hub.docker.com/u/lushndm
- Described Dev environment.
- Described Staging and Production environment.
- Added conditions and restrictions by Only.
- Added dynamic environments: new-feature and bugfix.
- Prepared installation of Gitlab CI.
- Tuned up pipeline.
- Tuned up runner.
- Prepared repos with reddit-app.
- Described stages of CI for reddit-app.
- None network driver.
- Host network driver.
- Bridge network driver.
- Installed docker-compose. Added docker-compose.yml.
- Parametrized docker-compose.yml with .env file.
- If you do not set this var, the COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME defaults to the basename of the project directory.
- Divided our application into components: post-py, comment, ui and mongo.
- Builded the images with our services. Added network aliases to containers.
- Launched our containers on reddit network.
- Improved ui image. Rebuilt ui image from ubuntu:16.04.
- Improved ui image. Rebuilt ui image from alpine linux.
- Created docker volume. Restarted containers with docker volume.
- Setuped docker-machine and run docker-host gce instance.
- Builded image Reddit by Dockerfile, start.sh, mongod.conf and db_config.
- Runned container from Reddit image on gce instance.
- Setuped Docker Hub. Pushed Reddit image to Docker Hub.
- Started Reddit docker container from Docker Hub on local machine.
- Installed Docker. Started first container hello-world. Created image from container. Deleted used containers and images.