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Rest Utils Library


restUtils is a small library that helps to implement REST-like SERVER using different transport means: HTTP, amqp,... It is intended to be used as a npm module.

If you are looking for a client-side implementation for talking with your restUtils server, check eyeos-consume-service component

How to use it

AMQP transport usage and configuration

The restUtils amqp implementation eases you from the need to create all the boilerplate to do request-reply (response queues, correlation id,...).

An usage snippet:

    var RestUtilsServer = require('RestUtils').Server;
    var aServer = new RestUtilsServer(new MyRestRouter(), this.settings.queueConfiguration);
    var MyRestRouter = function(){ // your initializations here.
    MyRestRouter.prototype.dispatch = function(request, response){
       // do your fancy business here
       // on success:
       // on some error:
       var httpLikeResponseCode = 404;;

Configuring your restUtils amqp server

	queueConfiguration: {
		type: "amqp",
		hosts: 'rabbitmq1:5672,rabbitmq2:5672,rabbitmq3:5672', //list of rabbitmq brokers in the form host:port
		queue: {
			name: 'amazing.queue.v1',
			durable: true,
			exclusive: false,
			autoDelete: false
		subscription: { 
		    // corresponds to headers parameter in: //
			ack: false // autoack of messages?
		bindTo: [ // optional param: bind the queue to related exchanges
		            exchangeName: "",
		            routingKey: "super-routing", // optional: routing key for the binding
		            options: { // correspond to options in:
		                type: 'direct',
		                durable: true

Quick help

  • Install modules
	$ npm install
  • Check tests
    $ ./