For administrator: no change in drupal should be done directly on (dev branch) or (master and production branch). Instead, please follow the process detailed in our wiki, as set up by Kota Miura:
A summary is provided here for your convenience:
with local test.biii(dev)
import production database. (lando db-import)
import configration from file to database.
drush cr,
change the setting in GUI as requested
export configuration
commit changes to dev, push to upstream dev
pull from inside SERVER test, import configuration. drush cr, check
locally, switch to the production branch, cherrypick only relevant commits from dev
drush config-import & cr to see if it is OK.
if working, push to upstream production.
pull from inside the SERVER production, import configuration changes, drush cr
A brief history: the project Biii started with a classic "Drupal-composer/drupal-project" (see here) in 2017, and then in 2021, the framework switched to the "drupal/core-recommended"(see here) project. The name of this database was initally named "BISE" in 2016, and then restored it's prehistoric name "Biii" (2013-2016) in 2019.