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  • Innsbruck
  • 14:56 (UTC +01:00)

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Hi there, here is Hendrik!

Who am I

I am a Computer Science Student from Innsbruck ⛰️

Current Projects

Currently, I'm working on two Project, one is my bachelor's thesis which is called Foppa and is a asynchronous microservices-based runtime system for serverless functions in federated FaaS. At the moment it is developed inside AWS Lambda, but I'm planning to build a local Docker deployment as well. The second Project is a PDF Viewer, which fits better in my personal development workflow. This mean file-watching for latex, keyboard controls like vim and easy customizable via a single config file.

If a project sounds interesting, just take a look.

Favorite Languages

Development Setup


Like many developers I started tuning my developing setup to my personal liking. Currently, I have two public repos containing my entire setup. First we have my dot files where you can find my TMUX and NeoVim config and much more. The second is just my personal Keyboard Config, which have Colmark-DH as a base. My daily driving Keyboard is a Corne Chocolate.

Pinned Loading

  1. autoForward autoForward Public

    Auto Forwarding Ports from Container to Host

    Rust 5

  2. Foppa Foppa Public
