A webpage/script that allows to randomly choose from a list of players (in a boardgame, for instance).
Essentially, it is a simple HTML page with a bit of CSS and a 'simple' script that allows for anyone with a recent-ish browser to fairly and randomly pick a name from a list of names.
Due to the 2020 pandemic, my boardgame group found itself using online resources in order to continue our fun having times. One of those resources is Tabletopia, which doesn't randomize or hints at a first player. So, some in promptu solutions were tried, which essentially revolved around either just deciding that someone would be first or picking sides from a dice someone would roll over a video stream.
Personally, I find those options to be cumbersome and so, I decided to do this, in the hopes this would either work well or help other people with the same problem. Also, it helped me learn about Javascript...
Just follow the instructions in the main page. You can then broadcast the process through your favorite -way to show video to others- and show everyone who's first.
I'm not an artist, and my main focus was on making the code work and giving the page a bit of color. I'll get around that eventually.
For the time being, I'm not accepting contributions, though this is temporary and a consequence of not being used to Github.
You can always suggest changes or give feedback through Issues.