Python script to convert any file to a PNG image.
The script aims to create a PNG file that can store any file format (video, image, pdf, archive...). The file data is stored in the hexadecimal values of the pixels of the image.
The script aims to recover the file from the previously generated PNG file. <input_file> <output_image_name>
Don't add any extension to <output_image_name>
<output_image_name> is optional, default is "output" <input_png> <output_file>
<output_file> is optional, default is "output.dat"
python Document.pdf Document
This create a file Document.png from Document.pdf
python Document.png recovered_Document.pdf
This read the file Document.png and recreate the file recovered_Document.pdf
The new recovered_Document.pdf is the same as recovered_Document.pdf, there may be a few extra bytes \x00 at the end of recovered_Document.pdf but this should not cause any problems.