This code mainly implement the paper Arbitrary Style Transfer in Real-time with Adaptive Instance Normalization which address the problem of arbitrary style transfer in real-time. The main contribution of this paper is 'Adaptive Instance Normalization(AdaIN)' proposed by Xun Huang etc.
Procedure of this method is as shown in follow figure.
Python packages you need:
- python 3.x
- tensorflow 1.4.0
- numpy
- scipy
- pillow
Data sets you need:
- Content images data sets (MSCOCO) Firstly, Unzip the MSCOCO dataset, and then put all images into the folder 'content'
- Style images data sets (wikiart) Firstly, Unzip the wikiart dataset, and then put all images into the folder 'style'
Pretrained model vgg19:
- Please click BaiduYun to download when you have downloaded the file 'vgg.mat', put it into the folder 'vgg_para'.
Style | ||