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A Neovim plugin for LLM prompting and chatting. Not a copilot.

Based on melbaldove/llm.nvim and yacine/dingllm.

The main features:

  • The UI (nui): streamlined popup-based interaction
  • Background-managed files
  • Chat and file-bound prompting style interactions

I learned lua last week and made this in a weekend, doubt it's stable. Open issues and feature requests I'll tackle them as they come.


Installation and Usage

  1. packer.nvim
    requires = { 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim', 'MunifTanjim/nui.nvim' },
  1. setup()

Default: require("jarvis").setup() to accept the default OpenAI gpt-4o backend.

Custom (copied from lua/jarvis/llm.lua - default handler for example purposes):

local model_name = "gpt-4o"
local url = ""
local api_key_name = "OPENAI_API_KEY"
local system_prompt = [[
You are my helpful assistant coder.
Try to be as non-verbose as possible and stick to the important things.
Avoid describing your own code unnecessarily, I only want you to output code mainly and limit describing it.

local function openai_data_handler(data_stream)
    if data_stream:match '"delta":' then
        local json = vim.json.decode(data_stream)
        if json.choices and json.choices[1] and json.choices[1].delta then
            return json.choices[1].delta.content

local function make_openai_curl_args(history, prompt)
    -- ARGS 
    -- history: a table of {{role=..., content=...}} 
    --          role: can be either "assistant" or "user"
    --          content: is a string of the relevant content
    -- prompt: is the string of the current prompt
    local api_key = os.getenv(api_key_name)
    local messages = {
        { role = 'system', content = system_prompt },
    for _, row in ipairs(history) do
        table.insert(messages, { role=row.role, content=row.content })
    table.insert(messages, { role='user', content=prompt })
    local data = {
        messages = messages,
        model = model_name,
        temperature = 0.7,
        stream = true,
    local args = { '-N', '-X', 'POST', '-H', 'Content-Type: application/json', '-d', vim.json.encode(data) }
    if api_key then
        table.insert(args, '-H')
        table.insert(args, 'Authorization: Bearer ' .. api_key)
    table.insert(args, url)
    return args

    -- below are the defaults
    prune_after = 30,
    cache_limit = 1000,
    persistent_prompt_history = true,
    keymaps = {
        close = "<esc>", -- close the ui
        new_chat = "<C-n>", -- create new persistent, file-agnostic chat file
        switch_window = "<C-s>", -- switch between prompt and history window
        run = "<C-e>", -- run model
        copy_and_close = "<C-y>" -- copy visual selection in history window and close

Check out dingllm if you want examples for other models.

Note that changing the system prompt currently means copying all that and updating the prompt. The same goes for any other settings.

  1. usage There are two main interactions:
  • chat: open a turn-based styled chat like regular ChatGPT
    • persistent
  • prompt: open a prompt session
    • not persistent
    • file-specific

Both will copy the current visual selection.

-- there are two types of interactions: chat and prompting
vim.keymap.set({ 'n', 'v' }, '<leader>lc', function() require("jarvis").interact("chat") end, { desc = 'chat with jarvis' })
vim.keymap.set({ 'n', 'v' }, '<leader>la', function() require("jarvis").interact("prompt") end, { desc = 'prompt jarvis' })
  1. keymaps

The following keymaps are configurable.

keymaps = {
    -- desc: close the ui, from prompt or history buffer
    -- modes: n
    close = "<esc>",

    -- desc: create new file-agnostic chat, from prompt buffer only
    -- modes: n
    new_chat = "<C-n>",

    -- desc: toggle between prompt and history buffers
    -- modes: n, i, v
    switch_window = "<C-s>",

    -- desc: run the model, from prompt buffer only
    -- modes: n, i, v
    run = "<C-e>",

    -- desc: copy the current visual selection in history buffer and close ui
    -- modes: n
    copy_and_close = "<C-y>"


  1. Return context to previously opened split/window
  2. Update Context to prepend to current prompt
  3. Job cancel + don't run job if prompt is empty + let job run in background buffre if you close window while its streaming
  4. Make history window read-only during response stream
  5. Fuzzy find previous interactions easily and open/swap between them quickly
    • fuzzy find by content
    • fuzzy find by filename
  6. Look at the link for how to unmount and clean everything
  7. Fix layout update bug with not enough lines
  8. Default support for models?
    • Local
    • Anthropic
    • Groq


  1. Improve prompt history formatting (format the context/prompt/response shit based on models? xml? json? md?)
  2. Add configurable options
    • Window sizing
    • Session persistence (currently bound to neovim process, should file path bind it?)
    • key-commands
  3. Make prompt style persistent
  4. Debug that issue where a chat file gets created in the cwd
  5. Cache cleanup
  6. copy/paste/confirm response



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