CellOracle is a python library for in silico gene perturbation analyses using single-cell omics data and Gene Regulatory Network models.
For more information, please read our bioRxiv preprint: CellOracle: Dissecting cell identity via network inference and in silico gene perturbation.
CellOracle documentation is available through the links below.
If you have a question, error, bug, or problem, please use the Github issue page.
- Human: ['hg38', 'hg19']
- Mouse: ['mm10', 'mm9']
- S.cerevisiae: ["sacCer2", "sacCer3"]
- Zebrafish: ["danRer7", "danRer10", "danRer11"]
- Xenopus: ["xenTro2", "xenTro3"]
- Rat: ["rn4", "rn5", "rn6"]
- Drosophila: ["dm3", "dm6"]
- C.elegans: ["ce6", "ce10"]
- Arabidopsis: ["TAIR10"]
- Chicken: ["galGal4", "galGal5", "galGal6"]
- Guinea Pig: ["Cavpor3.0"]
Please let us know through Github issue page if you have a request for another reference genome.
Please go to this page.