This project is still in development and does not meet all requirements outlined below.
First you need to generate SSL/TLS certificates. You can use openssl
to generate self-signed certificates.
There are example commands in makefile
you can run as follows:
make gen_cert
make sign_cert
Then to run the message broker in it's default configuration using Docker, use the following command:
docker compose up --build
Message broker nodes will be available on localhost:8070
, localhost:8080
, and localhost:8090
. It uses basic authentication with username admin
and password password
Interact with them using gRPC client of your choice:
syntax = "proto3";
package broker;
service Broker {
rpc Publish (PublishRequest) returns (PublishResponse);
rpc Subscribe(SubscribeRequest) returns (stream MessageResponse);
message PublishRequest {
string topic = 1;
bytes body = 2;
message PublishResponse {
string id = 1;
message SubscribeRequest {
map<string,int64> topics = 1;
message MessageResponse {
string id = 1;
int64 timestamp = 2;
string topic = 3;
bytes body = 4;
Cloud-native fault-tolerant message broker, part of toolchain for geo-distributed systems
Design and implement a distributed, fault-tolerant message broker system that leverages consensus algorithms for ensuring reliability and consistency across a wide area network. This project aims to address the needs of organizations requiring a highly available and dependable messaging infrastructure within the scope of geographically distributed systems.
- Ensure the message broker reliably handles message publishing and delivery under various conditions.
- Incorporate a consensus algorithm for managing distributed state and ensuring data consistency among nodes.
- Develop native support for gRPC communication to enable efficient and secure inter-service interactions.
- Design the system to be horizontally scalable to accommodate increased message volumes and evolving infrastructure needs.
- Create comprehensive documentation outlining system architecture, configuration, and deployment guidelines for users.
- Implement security measures to protect the system from unauthorized access, ensuring data confidentiality and integrity.
- The system must provide authentication mechanisms for subscribers, ensuring secure access to topics.
- Subscribers should have the ability to subscribe to specific topics of interest, allowing them to receive relevant messages.
- Subscribers must be able to unsubscribe from topics when they no longer wish to receive messages from those topics.
- Subscribers should be able to receive messages from the subscribed topics, enabling them to process the messages as needed.
- Subscribers should be able to receive messages from the nearest data center in the geo-distributed network to minimize latency and enhance the real-time nature of their applications.
- The system must provide authentication mechanisms for publishers, ensuring secure publishing of messages to topics.
- Publishers must be able to create new topics in the message broker for effective message categorization and publishing.
- Publishers should be able to publish messages to specific topics, with the message broker ensuring reliable message delivery to subscribers.
- Publishers should be able to publish messages to the nearest data center in the geo-distributed network to minimize latency.
- Developers should have access to comprehensive documentation that explains the message broker’s features, capabilities, and usage.
- Developers must be able to configure the message broker with various settings, including security, replication, and geo-distribution options.
- Developers should be able to deploy the message broker using a Docker image, simplifying scalability and management across different environments.
- Developers should be able to manage the scalability of the message broker network by dynamically adding or removing nodes based on traffic demands.
Requirement | Target Value |
Throughput | The system should support a message throughput of 1,000 msgs/sec (when using multiple topics). |
Latency | Latency with no more than 50 milliseconds delay between message publishing and delivery, under typical load conditions. |
Scalability | Linear horizontal scalability: Proportional increase with new nodes across different geographical regions. Vertical scalability: Support hardware upgrades for nodes in various regions. |
Fault Tolerance | Ensure that the message broker can continue to operate with minimal performance degradation even in the presence of node failures or network interruptions. |
High Availability | Aim for at least 99.99% uptime over a year (approximately 52 minutes of downtime per year). |
Consistency | Guarantee strong consistency and data integrity across all nodes, ensuring that messages are delivered in the order they were published. |
Security | Implement measures to protect against unauthorized access and data breaches, while maintaining minimal impact on system performance. |
Load Balancing | Ensure clients can publish or receive messages from nodes near their geographical area. |
Message Retention and Cleanup | Configurable message retention with automatic cleanup. |
Message Delivery Guarantee | Guarantee at-least-once delivery of messages. |
Message Ordering Guarantee | Guarantee in-order delivery of messages. |
Message Durability | Guarantee message durability in the event of node failures. |
Interface | Provide gRPC interface for clients to publish and receive messages. |
Logging | Support logging for system administrators to monitor the health of the system. |
Deployment | Provide a deployment mechanism to deploy the system on any cloud platform. |