NTCIR MIaS Search is a Python 3 command-line utility that operates on top of WebMIaS and that implements the Math Information Retrival system that won the NTCIR-11 Math-2 main task (see the task paper, and the system description paper).
Experimentally, NTCIR MIaS Search also reranks subquery results according to the relevance probability estimates from the NTCIR Math Density Estimator package.
The package can be installed by executing the following command:
$ pip install ntcir-mias-search
Usage information for the package can be displayed by executing the following command:
$ ntcir-mias-search --help
usage: ntcir-mias-search [-h] --dataset DATASET --topics TOPICS --positions
POSITIONS --estimates ESTIMATES --judgements
[--webmias-index-number WEBMIAS_INDEX_NUMBER]
[--num-workers-querying NUM_WORKERS_QUERYING]
[--num-workers-merging NUM_WORKERS_MERGING]
[--output-directory OUTPUT_DIRECTORY]
[--plots PLOTS [PLOTS ...]]
Use topics in the NTCIR-10 Math, NTCIR-11 Math-2, and NTCIR-12 MathIR format
to query the WebMIaS interface of the MIaS Math Information Retrieval system
and to retrieve result document lists.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--dataset DATASET A path to a directory containing a dataset in the
NTCIR-11 Math-2, and NTCIR-12 MathIR XHTML5 format.
The directory does not need to exist, since the path
is only required for extracting data from the file
with estimated positions of paragraph identifiers.
--topics TOPICS A path to a file containing topics in the NTCIR-10
Math, NTCIR-11 Math-2, and NTCIR-12 MathIR format.
--positions POSITIONS
The path to the file, where the estimated positions of
all paragraph identifiers from our dataset were stored
by the NTCIR Math Density Estimator package.
--estimates ESTIMATES
The path to the file, where the density, and
probability estimates for our dataset were stored by
the NTCIR Math Density Estimator package.
--judgements JUDGEMENTS
The path to the file containing relevance judgements
for our dataset.
--webmias-url WEBMIAS_URL
The URL at which a WebMIaS Java Servlet has been
--webmias-index-number WEBMIAS_INDEX_NUMBER
The numeric identifier of the WebMIaS index that
corresponds to the dataset. Defaults to 0.
--num-workers-querying NUM_WORKERS_QUERYING
The number of processes that will send queries to
WebMIaS. Defaults to 1. Note that querying, reranking,
and merging takes place simmultaneously.
--num-workers-merging NUM_WORKERS_MERGING
The number of processes that will rerank results.
Defaults to 9. Note that querying, reranking, and
merging takes place simmultaneously.
--output-directory OUTPUT_DIRECTORY
The path to the directory, where the output files will
be stored. Defaults to None.
--plots PLOTS [PLOTS ...]
The path to the files, where the evaluation results
will plotted.
The following command queries a local WebMIaS instance using 64 worker processes:
$ mkdir search_results
$ ntcir-mias-search --num-workers-querying 8 --num-workers-merging 56 \
> --dataset ntcir-11-12 \
> --topics NTCIR11-Math2-queries-participants.xml \
> --judgements NTCIR11_Math-qrels.dat \
> --estimates estimates.pkl.gz --positions positions.pkl.gz \
> --webmias-url http://localhost:58080/WebMIaS --webmias-index-number 1 \
> --plots plot.pdf plot.svg \
> --output-directory search_results
Reading relevance judgements from NTCIR11_Math-qrels.dat
50 judged topics and 2500 total judgements in NTCIR11_Math-qrels.dat
Reading topics from NTCIR11-Math2-queries-participants.xml
50 topics (NTCIR11-Math-1, NTCIR11-Math-2, ...) contain 55 formulae, and 113 keywords
Establishing connection with a WebMIaS Java Servlet at http://localhost:58080/WebMIaS
Reading paragraph position estimates from positions.pkl.gz
8301578 total paragraph identifiers in positions.pkl.gz
Reading density, and probability estimates from estimates.pkl.gz
Querying WebMIaSIndex(http://localhost:58080/WebMIaS, 1), reranking and merging results
Using 3 strategies to aggregate MIaS scores with probability estimates:
- The best possible score that uses relevance judgements (look for 'best' in filenames)
- The original MIaS score with the probability estimate discarded (look for 'orig' in filenames)
- The worst possible score that uses relevance judgements (look for 'worst' in filenames)
Storing reranked per-query result lists in search_results
Using 4 formats to represent mathematical formulae in queries:
- Content MathML XML language (look for 'CMath' in filenames)
- Combined Presentation and Content MathML XML language (look for 'PCMath' in filenames)
- Presentation MathML XML language (look for 'PMath' in filenames)
- The TeX language by professor Knuth (look for 'TeX' in filenames)
Result list for topic NTCIR11-Math-9 contains only 188 / 1000 results, sampling the dataset
Result list for topic NTCIR11-Math-17 contains only 716 / 1000 results, sampling the dataset
Result list for topic NTCIR11-Math-26 contains only 518 / 1000 results, sampling the dataset
Result list for topic NTCIR11-Math-39 contains only 419 / 1000 results, sampling the dataset
Result list for topic NTCIR11-Math-43 contains only 924 / 1000 results, sampling the dataset
get_results: 100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████| 50/50 [00:26<00:00, 1.88it/s]
rerank_and_merge_results: 200it [01:02, 3.18it/s]
Storing final result lists in mias_search_results
100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 12/12 [00:13<00:00, 3.73it/s]
Evaluation results:
- best, PCMath: 0.5569
- best, PMath: 0.5283
- best, TeX: 0.5076
- best, CMath: 0.4983
- orig, PCMath: 0.4917
- ...
- orig, PMath: 0.4616
- worst, CMath: 0.3080
- worst, TeX: 0.2810
- worst, PMath: 0.1156
- worst, PCMath: 0.1141
Plotting plot.svg
Plotting plot.pdf
$ ls search_results
The following command queries a remote WebMIaS instance using 64 worker processes:
$ mkdir search_results
$ ntcir-mias-search --num-workers-querying 8 --num-workers-merging 56 \
> --dataset ntcir-11-12 \
> --topics NTCIR11-Math2-queries-participants.xml \
> --judgements NTCIR11_Math-qrels.dat \
> --estimates estimates.pkl.gz --positions positions.pkl.gz \
> --webmias-url https://mir.fi.muni.cz/webmias-demo --webmias-index-number 0 \
> --plots plot.pdf plot.svg \
> --output-directory search_results
Reading relevance judgements from NTCIR11_Math-qrels.dat
50 judged topics and 2500 total judgements in NTCIR11_Math-qrels.dat
Reading topics from NTCIR11-Math2-queries-participants.xml
50 topics (NTCIR11-Math-1, NTCIR11-Math-2, ...) contain 55 formulae, and 113 keywords
Establishing connection with a WebMIaS Java Servlet at https://mir.fi.muni.cz/webmias-demo
Reading paragraph position estimates from positions.pkl.gz
8301578 total paragraph identifiers in positions.pkl.gz
Reading density, and probability estimates from estimates.pkl.gz
Querying WebMIaSIndex(https://mir.fi.muni.cz/webmias-demo, 0), reranking and merging results
Using 3 strategies to aggregate MIaS scores with probability estimates:
- The best possible score that uses relevance judgements (look for 'best' in filenames)
- The original MIaS score with the probability estimate discarded (look for 'orig' in filenames)
- The worst possible score that uses relevance judgements (look for 'worst' in filenames)
Storing reranked per-query result lists in search_results
Using 4 formats to represent mathematical formulae in queries:
- Content MathML XML language (look for 'CMath' in filenames)
- Combined Presentation and Content MathML XML language (look for 'PCMath' in filenames)
- Presentation MathML XML language (look for 'PMath' in filenames)
- The TeX language by professor Knuth (look for 'TeX' in filenames)
get_results: 100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████| 50/50 [05:29<00:00, 6.58s/it]
rerank_and_merge_results: 200it [06:57, 2.09s/it]
Storing final result lists in mias_search_results
100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 12/12 [00:13<00:00, 3.73it/s]
Evaluation results:
- best, PCMath: 0.5569
- best, PMath: 0.5283
- best, TeX: 0.5076
- best, CMath: 0.4983
- orig, PCMath: 0.4917
- ...
- orig, PMath: 0.4616
- worst, CMath: 0.3080
- worst, TeX: 0.2810
- worst, PMath: 0.1156
- worst, PCMath: 0.1141
Plotting plot.svg
Plotting plot.pdf
$ ls search_results
To get familiar with the codebase, please consult the UML class diagram in the Umbrello project document project.xmi:
RŮŽIČKA, Michal, Petr SOJKA and Martin LÍŠKA. Math Indexer and Searcher under the Hood: History and Development of a Winning Strategy. In Noriko Kando, Hideo Joho, Kazuaki Kishida. Proceedings of the 11th NTCIR Conference on Evaluation of Information Access Technologies. Tokyo: National Institute of Informatics, 2-1-2 Hitotsubashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-8430 Japan, 2014. p. 127-134, 8 pp. ISBN 978-4-86049-065-2.
author = "Michal R\r{u}\v{z}i\v{c}ka and Petr Sojka and Martin L\'{i}\v{s}ka",
title = "{Math Indexer and Searcher under the Hood:
History and Development of a Winning Strategy}",
month = Dec,
year = 2014,
address = "Tokyo",
booktitle = "{Proc. of the 11th NTCIR Conference on Evaluation
of Information Access Technologies}",
editor = "Hideo Joho and Kazuaki Kishida",
publisher = "{NII, Tokyo, Japan}",
pages = "127--134",