Proof of Concept (PoC) in regards to Web3 with smart contracts and a decentralized application (dApp)
NOTE In this proof of concept (PoC) we are only working with a local Hardhat node and not interacting with test or production networks.
- Unix-like terminal (Ubuntu WSL on Windows OS)
- Ensure you have Node.js and npm installed
- Install npm dependencies by running:
cd hardhat
npm install
cd -
cd web3-sample-dapp
npm install
cd -
Add MetaMask extension for signed transactions. Therefore
- Setup custom RPC network similar to:
NOTE: The hardhat network id is per default
.- Import private keys in hardhat local node console logs in MetaMask:
- Transfer ETH to Account 1 similar to:
Open one terminal and start the local Ethereum node by executing:
make launch-local-eth-node
In a second terminal compile and deploy the Greeter smart contract with:
make compile-and-deploy-greeter-smart-contract
Finally in the second terminal start the React dapp by running:
make start-react-app
Results should resemble the following:
NOTE: Consider clearing activity data if you experience errors as described in this link: