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Eric van Genderen committed Jan 21, 2019
1 parent cf85d8c commit c700c38
Showing 10 changed files with 569 additions and 176 deletions.
119 changes: 56 additions & 63 deletions AverageTest2_imp.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -10,24 +10,15 @@
x = M;

ToT_FF_T_BIG2(:,3,118983)=0; % bad pixel one intercept
ToT_FF_T_BIG2(:,3,121208)=0; % bad pixel two intercept

%% Needs to be checked and implemntated

%% Needs to be checked and implemntated
%k = 0
% while k < BadP
% k = k +1
% ToT_FF_T_BIG2(:,3,BadP(k))=0;
% ToT_FF_T_BIG2(1,2,BadP(k))=0;
% end

meanAllCounts = mean(ToT_FF_T_BIG2(20,2,:));
medianAllCounts = median(ToT_FF_T_BIG2(20,2,:));
stdAllCounts = std(ToT_FF_T_BIG2(20,2,:));
stdAllCounts = std(ToT_FF_T_BIG2(20,2,:));

stdAllCountsF = 0.05 * stdAllCounts; % 0.15 = 1/3th?

@@ -38,21 +29,23 @@
upperBm = medianAllCounts + stdAllCountsF;
% make sure only those with certain amount of counts (MAYBE make it at
% least 50% of average???
idx = ToT_FF_T_BIG2(20,2,:)<lowerBm | ToT_FF_T_BIG2(20,2,:) > upperBm;
% idx = ToT_FF_T_BIG2(20,2,:)<10000;
counter = ToT_FF_size - sum(idx(:));
idx = ToT_FF_T_BIG2(20,2,:)<lowerBm | ToT_FF_T_BIG2(20,2,:) > upperBm;
% idx = ToT_FF_T_BIG2(20,2,:)<10000;
counter = ToT_FF_size - sum(idx(:));

"apply means"
k = 1;
l = 1;
TEST = 0;
while k < 1025
while l < ToT_FF_size + 1
if idx(1,1,l) == 0
while l < ToT_FF_size + 1
if idx(1,1,l) == 0
TEST = TEST + ToT_FF_T_BIG2(k,3,l);
if k == 1023
if TEST == 1
if isnan(TEST)==1
@@ -63,59 +56,59 @@
l = l + 1;
AverageTest2(k,1) = TEST;
AverageTest2(k,1) = TEST;
TEST = 0;
l = 1;
k = k +1;
AverageTest2(:,2) = AverageTest2(:,1)./ (counter);

xsize = 1024;
p = 1;
while p < xsize + 1
if p == 1
AverageTest2(p,3) = AverageTest2(p,2);

P = p - 1;
AverageTest2(p,3) = AverageTest2(p,2)+AverageTest2(P,3);

p = p + 1;


AverageTest2(:,3) = AverageTest2(:,3);
maxy = max(AverageTest2(:,3));
AverageTest2(:,3) = AverageTest2(:,3)

AverageTest2(:,4) = AverageTest2(:,3)./max(AverageTest2(:,3));

%% get curves
AverageTest2(:,2) = AverageTest2(:,1)./ (counter);

%stepAvg = 10; % step for curve fitting
Avvan = fromToT; %start point
ij = 0; %counter
Avtot = Avvan + stepAvg; %end point for each step
intercept = 0;

while intercept < 1
ij = ij + 1;
Try = createFit(M,AverageTest2(:,4), Avvan, Avtot); %calls funtion createFit,
% which tries to fit a polynome to the 3th order to the Average
% Curve for each step
AverageCurve(ij,1:4) = [Avvan,Avtot,AverageTest2(Avvan,4),AverageTest2(Avtot,4)];
coeffy = coeffvalues(Try); % places the polynomal corves in coeffy
AverageCurve(ij,5:7) = coeffy; % places the coeffy information in the AverageCurve Table
intercept = coeffy(1,3); %creates the exit for the while loop. When the fitting curve nears 1
Avvan = Avtot; % cretes a new step start
Avtot = Avvan + stepAvg; % creates a new step stop
xsize = 1024;
p = 1;
while p < xsize + 1
if p == 1
AverageTest2(p,3) = AverageTest2(p,2);

P = p - 1;
AverageTest2(p,3) = AverageTest2(p,2)+AverageTest2(P,3);

p = p + 1;


AverageTest2(:,3) = AverageTest2(:,3);
maxy = max(AverageTest2(:,3));
AverageTest2(:,3) = AverageTest2(:,3)

AverageTest2(:,4) = AverageTest2(:,3)./max(AverageTest2(:,3));

%% get curves

%stepAvg = 10; % step for curve fitting
Avvan = fromToT; %start point
ij = 0; %counter
Avtot = Avvan + stepAvg; %end point for each step
intercept = 0;

while intercept < 0.999999
ij = ij + 1
Try = createFit(M,AverageTest2(:,4), Avvan, Avtot); %calls funtion createFit,
% which tries to fit a polynome to the 3th order to the Average
% Curve for each step
AverageCurve(ij,1:4) = [Avvan,Avtot,AverageTest2(Avvan,4),AverageTest2(Avtot,4)];
coeffy = coeffvalues(Try); % places the polynomal corves in coeffy
AverageCurve(ij,5:7) = coeffy; % places the coeffy information in the AverageCurve Table
intercept = coeffy(1,3); %creates the exit for the while loop. When the fitting curve nears 1
Avvan = Avtot; % cretes a new step start
Avtot = Avvan + stepAvg; % creates a new step stop


clearvars xsize x A k l p P strength TEST x p1 p2 p3 maxy coeffy ij lowerB lowerBm upperB upperBm meanAllCounts stdAllCounts stdAllCountsF medianAllCounts
132 changes: 132 additions & 0 deletions AverageTest_poly3.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@

AverageTest2 = zeros(1024,3);
l = 1;
k = 1;
o = 1;

%% Test code
%ToT_FF_size = (4 * 256 * 256);
% creates a M = 1024 by 1 matrix
% while o < 1024+1
% M(o,1) = o;
% o = o + 1;
% end
% x = M;

%% Needs to be checked and implemntated
k = 0;
if BadP > 0
while k < BadP
k = k +1
ToT_FF_T_BIG2(:,3,BadP(k))=0; % removes only the info for the Avg curve
ToT_FF_T_BIG2(1,2,BadP(k))=0; % sets the number of counts of the pixel to 0

meanAllCounts = mean(ToT_FF_T_BIG2(20,2,:));
medianAllCounts = median(ToT_FF_T_BIG2(20,2,:));
stdAllCounts = std(ToT_FF_T_BIG2(20,2,:));

stdAllCountsF = outlierRemovalStrength * stdAllCounts; % 0.15 = 1/3th?

lowerB = meanAllCounts - stdAllCountsF;
upperB = meanAllCounts + stdAllCountsF;
lowerBm = medianAllCounts - stdAllCountsF;
upperBm = medianAllCounts + stdAllCountsF;
% make sure only those with certain amount of counts (MAYBE make it at
% least 50% of average???
idx = ToT_FF_T_BIG2(20,2,:)<lowerBm | ToT_FF_T_BIG2(20,2,:) > upperBm;
% idx = ToT_FF_T_BIG2(20,2,:)<10000;
counter = ToT_FF_size - sum(idx(:));

if counter < ToT_FF_size/2
%dispPerc = uint16((counter/ToT_FF_size)*100)
text = strcat('The ammount of pixels used to calculate the average is les then 50% reconsider the outlier strength, Press a key !')

k = 1;
l = 1;
TEST = 0;
while k < 1024
while l < ToT_FF_size + 1
if idx(1,1,l) == 0
TEST = TEST + ToT_FF_T_BIG2(k,3,l);
l = l + 1;
AverageTest2(k,1) = TEST;
TEST = 0;
l = 1;
k = k +1;
%% Test case to smooth the AverageCurve to fix the jumping
AverageTest2(:,2) = movmean(AverageTest2(:,1)./ (counter), strength);

%% old
%AverageTest2(:,5) = AverageTest2(:,1)./ (counter);
%xsize = 1024;
p = 1;
while p < 1024%xsize + 1
if p == 1
AverageTest2(p,3) = AverageTest2(p,2);

P = p - 1;
AverageTest2(p,3) = AverageTest2(p,2)+AverageTest2(P,3);

p = p + 1;


AverageTest2(:,3) = AverageTest2(:,3);
maxy = max(AverageTest2(:,3));
AverageTest2(:,3) = AverageTest2(:,3);

AverageTest2(:,4) = AverageTest2(:,3)./max(AverageTest2(:,3));

%% get curves v2.0
O = zeros(1024,1);

% Still need to fix the 0 line

%stepAvg = 10; % step for curve fitting
Avvan = fromToT; %start point
ij = 0; %counter
Avtot = Avvan + stepAvg; %end point for each step
intercept = 0;
% ZeroFixer = zeros(1024,1);
% M2 = zeros(1024,1);
% M2(2:1024,1) = M(1:1023,1)
% ZeroFixer(2:1024,1) = AverageTest2(1:1023,4)

while intercept < 0.99999
ij = ij + 1;
O(Avvan:Avtot,1) = 1;
Try = createFit_poly3(M,AverageTest2(:,4), O); %calls funtion createFit,
% which tries to fit a polynome to the 3th order to the Average
% Curve for each step
%AverageCurve(ij,1:4) = [Avvan,Avtot,ZeroFixer(Avvan,1),ZeroFixer(Avtot,1)];
AverageCurve(ij,1:4) = [Avvan,Avtot,AverageTest2(Avvan,4),AverageTest2(Avtot,4)];
coeffy = coeffvalues(Try); % places the polynomal corves in coeffy
AverageCurve(ij,5:8) = coeffy; % places the coeffy information in the AverageCurve Table
%intercept = coeffy(1,4) %creates the exit for the while loop. When the fitting curve nears 1
intercept = (AverageCurve(ij,3));
O(Avvan:Avtot,1) = 0;
Avvan = Avtot; % cretes a new step start
Avtot = Avvan + stepAvg; % creates a new step stop
Averagecurve_succesfull = 'done'
clearvars xsize x A k l p P strength TEST x p1 p2 p3 maxy coeffy ij lowerB lowerBm upperB upperBm meanAllCounts stdAllCounts stdAllCountsF medianAllCounts
clearvars ans Averagecure_Succesfull AverageTest_Finished Avtit Avvan count counter dispPerc idx intercept o O outing stepAvg text totalPixelcount
8 changes: 1 addition & 7 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,15 +1,9 @@
## ToTCorrection

Any file can be run which has a tpx3 header

Please run first:

Added a Variables file. Please set all variables there.

One can run from:
load output ToT hit_files with .h5 table

- totFlatMain.m from hitparser files
- normalise curve if you preload a saved ToT_FF_T_BIG2 file
* remember to start a WriteIO in the later case


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