Before starting, make sure you have mysql workbench and mysql server, and also make sure that the server is started.
- Open mysql workbench;
- Click the plus button (to the right of "MySQL Connections"). This will initiate a new connection;
- Give it a name;
- Click ok (if you modify the hostname, port, username or password, make sure to also modify it in the file from server/reactproject/resouces)
Now you have a connection in which you can import the sql dump file.
Double click the new form connection.
To import the data:
- Go to Server (top menu) > Data import;
- Click import from self-contained file;
- Select the file Dump2017304.sql from /root/server/;
- Click start import.
Secondly, we need to run the spring server. Open the "reactproject" project from root/server in Intelij and build it with maven. Now seach for the file "ReactprojectApplication", right-click it and press "Run ReactPoj... main()". The server should be opened on port 8080.
Open a terminal in the root/client folder and run:
npm install
That will install the node dependencies. Then run:
npm start
to start the front-end development server. If no error appeared then a website should open in the default browser with the address localhost:8000.
The site was build with react (with redux, saga, react-router, redux-forms) and spring (with hibernate).