nectar-doco-bot is an agent for publishing NeCTAR documents managed in GitHub into Freshdesk. These documents will appear in Freshdesk as articles. More detail on documents see nectarcloud-tier0doco.
# log in as ubuntu
This script will:
- update OS,
- install necessary packages,
- set up Python3 virtual environment.
set up git account for the bot,
set up gpg key for the bot,
activate environment:
source nectar_doco_bot_env/bin/activate
, -
~/nectar-doco-bot-master/script/ -h
first to find out arguments,usage: [-h] [--repopath REPOPATH] [-c CONFNAME] [-ap ARTICLEPATH] [-l {DEBUG,INFO,WARNING,ERROR}] Start a Freshdesk bot. optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --repopath REPOPATH Path to Tier0 Doco repository clone (default: /home/ubuntu/nectarcloud-tier0doco) -c CONFNAME, --confname CONFNAME Base name of configuration file. Script will look for CONFIGNAME.yaml.asc under script/configs of REPOPATH (default: fdbot) -ap ARTICLEPATH, --articlepath ARTICLEPATH articles path relative to repopath (default: articles) -l {DEBUG,INFO,WARNING,ERROR}, --loglevel {DEBUG,INFO,WARNING,ERROR} Log level (default: INFO)
with right arguments starting the bot!
After the bot has been successfully started, it generates a log file: fdbroker.log in the directory it runs. It also prints out the result it runs git commands in the terminal.