Yet another LoadLibrary injector. Nothing fancy, but here you go.
Reference the NuGet package in your application. After that you can use the library.
var processName = "notepad";
var dllPath = "C:\\Users\\LegendaryB\\Desktop\\Test.dll";
// Injects into the first found notepad process
Injector.Inject(processName, dllPath);
// Injects into the matching process
Injector.Inject(processName, (processes) => {
foreach (var process in processes) {
if (process.MainModule.FileName.Contains("example")) {
return process;
return null;
// Injects into the process with the given id
Injector.Inject(3212, dllPath);
// Injects into the process referenced by the given process object
var process = Process.GetProcessesByName(processName);
Injector.Inject(process[0], dllPath);
The console application uses the library under the hood to inject your dll into a target process. To do so just invoke the application like this:
YALLI.ConsoleApp.exe -pn processName -dll pathToDll