Follow below install instructions for Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.This software only supports 64 bit operating systems.
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade -y
# Install Git
sudo apt install git -y
# Checkout the source and install
git clone nbzz
cd nbzz
. ./activate
All configuration data is stored in a directory structure at the $NBZZ_ROOT
environment variable or at ~/.nbzz/stagenet/
. You can find databases, and logs there. Optionally, you can set $NBZZ_ROOT
to the .nbzz directory in your home directory with export NBZZ_ROOT=~/.nbzz
and if you add it to your .bashrc
or .zshrc
to it will remain set across logouts and reboots. If you set $NBZZ_ROOT
you will have to migrate configuration items by hand or unset the variable for nbzz init
to work with unset NBZZ_ROOT.
cd nbzz
. ./activate
git checkout main
git pull
git status
# git status should say "nothing to commit, working tree clean",
# if you have uncommitted changes, RELEASE.dev0 will be reported.
. ./activate
nbzz init
Once installed, run nbzz init
nbzz running in the goerli testnet ,to running nbzz ,you do need some geth.
then cd /path_to_bee/
,you will see keys dir in there.
then run nbzz pledge add -p you-bee-password
to pledge some nbzz.
the run nbzz start -p you-bee-password
to start mining.