DODGE is an algorithm and pipeline that identifies potential point source outbreak clusters in bacterial pathogens (denoted investigation clusters) from large scale ongoing genomic surveillance datasets (Allele profiles from cgMLST or SNP calls). Initial clusters should be defined from a background dataset that should ideally represent existing clusters in the population being surveilled. These initial clusters are used as input into the cluster detection script proper.
Now Published in Bioinformatics!
conda install -c bioconda dodge
git clone
cd dodge
pip install .
Note following dependencies must be installed manually if not using conda
- scikit-learn
- pandas
OR --variant_data
Allele profiles: cgMLST allele profiles downloaded from either Enterobase or MGTdb
SNP calls: A folder containing 2 files produced by snippy for each isolate in the analysis (strainN.subs.vcf and strainN.consensus.subs.fa)
OR --strainmetadata
MGTdb: Strain metadata from MGTdb can be used directly as input into DODGE
Enterobase: Strain metadata from Enterobase with hierCC experimental metadata included can be used directly as input into DODGE
SNP: For SNP data users must generate a tab delimiteduser metadata file with the following columns:
- 'Strain' or 'Isolate' (for strain identifier)
- 'Year'
- 'Month'
- 'Date'
OR --distances
To improve performance when analysing large datasets pairwise distance matrices can be precomputed with the script and used as an additional input. Pairwise distances for any isolate with genetic difference data but not present in the distance matrix will be computed.
Tab delimited pairwise distance matrix format :
StrainA StrainB StrainC
StrainA 0 7 2
StrainB 7 0 3
StrainC 2 3 0
OR --inclusters
A clusters file will be produced by either a --background_data run or a normal run on a given time segment. This cluster file must be used as input for the subsequent time period. i.e. the cluster file from a background data run would be used as input into the first time period of a normal run and the cluster output of one time period run would be used as input into the subsequent time period
Tab delimited file containing all information on assigned investigation clusters
columns as follows:
- ID - internal arbitrary id used within DODGE
- mgtid - ID reported for outbreak clusters using nomenclature (for MGT or hierCC)
- Level - genetic threshold of cluster
- Size - number of isolates assigned
- Max distance - maximum pairwise distance of two isolates within the cluster
- Timespan - number of days or months that the isolates in the cluster span
- Mindate - earliest isolation date of an isolate within the cluster
- Maxdate - latest isolation date of an isolate within the cluster
- Strains - comma separated list of isolate names
- status - status of that cluster (new, expanded, unchanged)
- Investigation - Boolean. Whether cluster has been identified as investigation
Tab delimited file containing all necessary information from existing clusters (investigation and not) from all isolates in the current run
columns are identical to _investigation_clusters.txt with the addition of:
- contains - clusters with lower genetic threshold level that this cluster contains
- partof - clusters with higher genetic threshold level that this cluster is a part of
Tab delimited file containing information for each isolate. columns are identical to input metadata file with the addition of the following:
- 0cluster - internal cluster id that this strain is in at 0 genetic distance threshold
- 1cluster - internal cluster id that this strain is in at 1 genetic distance threshold
- 2cluster - internal cluster id that this strain is in at 2 genetic distance threshold
- ...
- Ncluster - internal cluster id that this strain is in at Nth genetic distance threshold
- investigation cluster - When an isolate is in an investigation cluster the ID using nomenclature (for MGT or hierCC)
Tab delimited pairwise distance file for all isolates included in the current run matrix format :
StrainA StrainB StrainC
StrainA 0 7 2
StrainB 7 0 3
StrainC 2 3 0 -i VARIANT_DATA --inputtype {snp,allele} -s STRAINMETADATA --outputPrefix OUTPUTPREFIX [...]
, --help
show help
Required input/output:
: file containing allele profiles (tab delimited table) or snp data (path to folder containing .subs.vcf files from snippy, and optionally consensus.fasta masked genomes. (default: None)
: is input data alleles or snps (snp or allele)
, --strainmetadata
: file containing isolate information (downloaded from mgtdb, Enterobase or created for SNPs)
output path and prefix for output file generation
Optional input/output:
, --distances
file containing pairwise distances corresponding to the alleleprofiles file (from previous run of this script if applicable)
existing clusters to be imported
data in this input set / time window to be used for background (no outbreak predictions) (default: False)
, --no_cores
number cores to increase pairwise distance speed (default: 8)
Do not include MGT or HierCC nomenclature in investigation cluster ID
Name of column in metadata file that contains isolate names that correspond to input variant data, default = 'Strain', 'Name' or 'Isolate'"
SNP input specific:
include reference in distances/clusters for snp inputtype (default: False)
--mask MASK
bed file for reference used to generate SNPs with regions to ignore SNPs (i.e. phages etc) (default: None)
--snpqual SNPQUAL
minimum allowable SNP quality score (default: 1000)
use the consensus.fasta file from snippy to check for missing data when a snp is not called. (include these genomes in the same folder as input vcf files)
Note: snippy should be run with the --prefix flag to include strain names in the .subs.vcf outputs
Allele input specific:
metadata and allele profiles downloaded from enterobase, if hierCC in metadata table hierCC will be used for outbreak naming (i.e. column named HCXXX)
(default: False)
Date / time options:
start date for new cluster analysis (format YYYY-MM-DD if timesegment = week or YYYY-MM if timesegment = month) if left blank earliest date not in inclusters will be identified from strain metadata
end date for new cluster analysis (format YYYY-MM-DD) if left blank latest date in input metadata will be used (default: None)
time segment to perform analysis. every month or every week (default: week)
, --timewindow
time period a cluster must fall into to be called as investigation --outbreakmethod dodge only --timesegment week default 28
--timesegment month default 2 (default: None)
Clustering options:
, --dist_limits
comma separated list of cluster cutoffs or range or both i.e 1,2,5
or 1-8
or 1,2,5-10
(default: 1-5)
, --max_missmatch
maximum number of missmatches reported between 2 isolates (will default to max of --dist_limits + 1 if not set) (default: 1)
Outbreak detection algorithm options:
smallest cluster size for outbreak detection (default: 5)
algorithm for outbreak detection dodge or static (default: dodge)
cutoff for static genetic cutoff method, must be used with --outbreakmethod static
(default: 5)
When identifying clusters with one static threshold do not apply temporal window for cluster, must be used with '--outbreakmethod static'
Example input data is located in the examples folder and is compressed, please extract using:
tar -xvzf examples.tar.gz
If dodge has been installed with conda the compressed examples folder can be downloaded separately.
- detection period 2017 January-February
- all prior Australian data as background
- using week as temporal window
- MGT alleles as inputs
Step 1 - run dodge with --background_data
flag on the 1 year of background data
dodge -i examples/example1_aus_2month_w_background_alleleprofile.txt --inputtype allele -s examples/example1_aus_2month_w_background_metadata.txt --outputPrefix examples/Ausexample -n 8 --enddate 2016-12-31 --timesegment week -t 28 -l 1-5 --outbreakmethod dodge --background_data
This command will identify all isolates befire date specified (--enddate 2021-12-31
) and produce three outputs:
- examples/Ausexample_background_pairwise_distances.txt
- examples/Ausexample_background_all_clusters.txt
- examples/Ausexample_background_isolate_information.txt
Step 2 - run dodge on the two months to be analysed
dodge -i examples/example1_aus_2month_w_background_alleleprofile.txt --inputtype allele -s examples/example1_aus_2month_w_background_metadata.txt --outputPrefix examples/Ausexample -n 8 --startdate 2017-01-01 --enddate 2017-02-28 --timesegment week -t 28 -l 1-5 --outbreakmethod dodge -d examples/Ausexample_background_pairwise_distances.txt -c examples/Ausexample_background_all_clusters.txt
This command will check the number of time segments (--timesegment week
) that are between the specified start and end dates. For this example 9 weeks at least partially fall within the 2 months specified (--startdate 2022-01-01
--enddate 2022-02-28
). dodge will internally run 9 sequential runs on one week of isolates at a time. This will produce 9 sets of 4 files with each week producing:
- examples/Ausexample_pairwise_distances.txt
- examples/Ausexample_all_clusters.txt
- examples/Ausexample_isolate_information.txt
- examples/Ausexample_investigation_clusters.txt (if any are called)
The final outputs will be the files named with the last of the 9 weeks:
- examples/Ausexample_2017-02-26_2017-03-04_pairwise_distances.txt
- examples/Ausexample_2017-02-26_2017-03-04_all_clusters.txt
- examples/Ausexample_2017-02-26_2017-03-04_isolate_information.txt
- examples/Ausexample_2017-02-26_2017-03-04_investigation_clusters.txt
For most cases the investigation_clusters file from the final week (bold above) will provide sufficient information.
- detection period 2015 January-June
- 2014 as background
- using month as temporal window
- MGT alleles as inputs
For this example each month of data in 2015 will be run separately using the previous months output files as inputs (simulating gradual addition of surveillance data over time).
Step 1 - run dodge with --background_data
flag on the 1 year of background data
dodge -i examples/example2_UK_2014_2015-06_allele_profiles.txt --inputtype allele -s examples/example2_UK_2014_2015-06_isolate_metadata.txt --outputPrefix examples/UKexample -n 8 --startdate 2014-01 --enddate 2014-12 --timesegment month -t 2 -l 1-5 --outbreakmethod dodge --background_data
This command will identify all isolates within the date range specified (--startdate 2014-01
--enddate 2014-12
) and produce three outputs:
- examples/UKexample_background_pairwise_distances.txt
- examples/UKexample_background_all_clusters.txt
- examples/UKexample_background_isolate_information.txt
Step 2 - run dodge on the first month to be analysed with allele profile and metadata files containing the background AND new isolates for the current month.
UKexample_background_all_clusters.txt and UKexample_background_pairwise_distances.txt files from step 1 are also used as input.
dodge -i examples/example2_UK_2014_2015-06_allele_profiles.txt --inputtype allele -s examples/example2_UK_2014_2015-06_isolate_metadata.txt --outputPrefix examples/UKexample -n 8 --startdate 2015-01 --enddate 2015-01 --timesegment month -t 2 -l 1-5 --outbreakmethod dodge -d examples/UKexample_background_pairwise_distances.txt -c examples/UKexample_background_all_clusters.txt
This command will identify all isolates within the date range specified (--startdate 2015-01
--enddate 2015-1
) and produce three outputs:
- examples/UKexample_2015-01_pairwise_distances.txt
- examples/UKexample_2015-01_all_clusters.txt
- examples/UKexample_2015-01_isolate_information.txt
If investigation clusters are identified then a fourth file will be generates
- examples/UKexample_2015-01_investigation_clusters.txt
Steps 3 to 8 - run dodge on the subsequent months to be analysed with allele profile and metadata files containing the background, previous months AND new isolates for the current month. Clusters and pairwise distance output files from the previous month are used as input into the next.
dodge -i examples/example2_UK_2014_2015-06_allele_profiles.txt --inputtype allele -s examples/example2_UK_2014_2015-06_isolate_metadata.txt --outputPrefix examples/UKexample -n 8 --startdate 2015-02 --enddate 2015-02 --timesegment month -t 2 -l 1-5 --outbreakmethod dodge -d examples/UKexample_2015-01_pairwise_distances.txt -c examples/UKexample_2015-01_all_clusters.txt
dodge -i examples/example2_UK_2014_2015-06_allele_profiles.txt --inputtype allele -s examples/example2_UK_2014_2015-06_isolate_metadata.txt --outputPrefix examples/UKexample -n 8 --startdate 2015-03 --enddate 2015-03 --timesegment month -t 2 -l 1-5 --outbreakmethod dodge -d examples/UKexample_2015-02_pairwise_distances.txt -c examples/UKexample_2015-02_all_clusters.txt
dodge -i examples/example2_UK_2014_2015-06_allele_profiles.txt --inputtype allele -s examples/example2_UK_2014_2015-06_isolate_metadata.txt --outputPrefix examples/UKexample -n 8 --startdate 2015-04 --enddate 2015-04 --timesegment month -t 2 -l 1-5 --outbreakmethod dodge -d examples/UKexample_2015-03_pairwise_distances.txt -c examples/UKexample_2015-03_all_clusters.txt
dodge -i examples/example2_UK_2014_2015-06_allele_profiles.txt --inputtype allele -s examples/example2_UK_2014_2015-06_isolate_metadata.txt --outputPrefix examples/UKexample -n 8 --startdate 2015-05 --enddate 2015-05 --timesegment month -t 2 -l 1-5 --outbreakmethod dodge -d examples/UKexample_2015-04_pairwise_distances.txt -c examples/UKexample_2015-04_all_clusters.txt
dodge -i examples/example2_UK_2014_2015-06_allele_profiles.txt --inputtype allele -s examples/example2_UK_2014_2015-06_isolate_metadata.txt --outputPrefix examples/UKexample -n 8 --startdate 2015-06 --enddate 2015-06 --timesegment month -t 2 -l 1-5 --outbreakmethod dodge -d examples/UKexample_2015-05_pairwise_distances.txt -c examples/UKexample_2015-05_all_clusters.txt
Outputs will be as per the first month but named for the month they represent.
- detection period 2017-1-15 to 2017-2-28
- 2017-01-01 to 2017-01-14 as background
- using week as temporal window
- snp vcf files as inputs (.subs.vcf files produced by snippy)
Step 1 - run dodge with --background_data
flag on the 2 weeks of background data (2017-01-01 to 2017-01-14)
dodge -i examples/example3_aus_SNP_data --inputtype snp -s examples/example3_aus_SNP_isolate_metadata.txt --outputPrefix examples/SNPexample -n 8 --startdate 2017-01-01 --enddate 2017-01-14 --timesegment week -t 28 -l 1-5 --outbreakmethod dodge --background_data
This command will identify all isolates in the two weeks specified (--startdate 2017-01-01 --enddate 2017-01-14
) and produce three outputs:
- examples/SNPexample_background_pairwise_distances.txt
- examples/SNPexample_background_all_clusters.txt
- examples/SNPexample_background_isolate_information.txt
Step 2 - run dodge on the two months to be analysed
dodge -i examples/example3_aus_SNP_data --inputtype snp -s examples/example3_aus_SNP_isolate_metadata.txt --outputPrefix examples/SNPexample -n 8 --startdate 2017-01-15 --enddate 2017-02-28 --timesegment week -t 28 -l 1-5 --outbreakmethod dodge -d examples/SNPexample_background_pairwise_distances.txt -c examples/SNPexample_background_all_clusters.txt
This command will check the number of time segments (--timesegment week
) that are between the specified start and end dates. For this example 7 weeks at least partially fall within the remaining time in the 2 month dataset (--startdate 2017-01-15 --enddate 2017-02-28
). dodge will internally run 7 sequential runs on one week of isolates at a time. This will produce 7 sets of 4 files with each week producing:
- examples/SNPexample_pairwise_distances.txt
- examples/SNPexample_all_clusters.txt
- examples/SNPexample_isolate_information.txt
- examples/SNPexample_investigation_clusters.txt (if any are called)
The final outputs will be the files named with the last of the 9 weeks:
- examples/SNPexample_2017-02-26_2017-03-04_pairwise_distances.txt
- examples/SNPexample_2017-02-26_2017-03-04_all_clusters.txt
- examples/SNPexample_2017-02-26_2017-03-04_isolate_information.txt
- examples/SNPexample_2017-02-26_2017-03-04_investigation_clusters.txt
For most cases the investigation_clusters file from the final week (bold above) will provide sufficient information.
This script only runs the distance matrix generation component of dodge. Inputs files are the same as dodge except no strain metadata file is required. Output of this script can be passed to dodge to reduce running time of the main dodge script.
dodgedists [-h] -i VARIANT_DATA --inputtype {snp,allele} --output OUTPUT [-d DISTANCES] [-n NO_CORES] [-m MAX_MISSMATCH] [--useref] [--mask MASK] [--snpqual SNPQUAL] [--enterobase_data]
, --help
show help
Required input/output:
: file containing allele profiles (tab delimited table) or snp data (wildcard path to snippy outputs e.g. /folder/*_snippy = /folder/straina_snippy +
/folder/strainb_snippy + ...)If using wildcards in path make sure to add "" (default: None)
: is input data alleles or snps (snp or allele)
output path and prefix for output file generation
Optional input/output:
, --distances
file containing pairwise distances corresponding to the alleleprofiles file (from previous run of this script if applicable)
Run options:
, --no_cores
number cores to increase pairwise distance speed (default: 8)
, --max_missmatch
maximum number of missmatches reported between 2 isolates (will default to max of --dist_limits + 1 if not set) (default: 1)
SNP input specific:
include reference in distances/clusters for snp inputtype (default: False)
--mask MASK
bed file for reference used to generate SNPs with regions to ignore SNPs (i.e. phages etc) (default: None)
--snpqual SNPQUAL
minimum allowable SNP quality score (default: 1000)
Allele input specific:
metadata and allele profiles downloaded from enterobase, if hierCC in metadata table hierCC will be used for outbreak naming (i.e. column named HCXXX)
(default: False)
A note on SNP-dists/cgMLST-dists
We chose not to utilise the existing SNP- and cgMLST-dists scripts for the following reasons: SNP-dists is only applicable for SNP based distances. However DODGE also supports allele based distances. Additionally, cgmlst-dists by the same author takes in ChewBBACA allele profiles which are not compatible with MGT allele profiles due to differences in dealing with missing data. We therefore wrote dodge-dists to accept either input format that can be used in DODGE.