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Using Docker container on LC Quartz

Kevin" Seung Whan Chung edited this page Oct 11, 2023 · 3 revisions

docker command is not available in LC machines, but we can use singularity as an alternative. For the official instructions, see HPC LLNL webpage.

To run the pylibrom_env container on LC quartz, we first build the singularity image format (sif) file from the github registry:

singularity build pylibrom_env.sif docker://

This builds the image file at the current directory. Run the container with singularity:

singularity shell ./pylibrom_env.sif

This will let us enter the container, sharing all the filesystem and environmental variables for the host. To further containerize, add the following flags:

singularity shell --container --cleanenv -B /host/path/to/pylibROM:/container/path/to/pylibROM ./pylibrom_env.sif

--container and --cleanenv will set the container not sharing any file or environmental variable. -B /host/path/to/pylibROM:/container/path/to/pylibROM allows us to share only one directory in the container with the host directory:

  • Change /host/path/to/pylibROM to the pylibROM repo path in your LC machine.
  • Change /container/path/to/pylibROM to any directory path that you'd like to locate pylibROM within the container.

Once you are in the container, you can try installing pylibROM:

pip install /container/path/to/pylibROM --global-option="--librom_dir=/env/dependencies/libROM" --verbose
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