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Check examples/ folder. There are two applications:

  • example-http-service - application based in express, with CPU and memory monitoring based on system-health-monitor package, that registers in consul.
  • example-monitor - application that monitors health status and availability of the service example-http-service (not the single instance, but any number of instances of the service).

Both of applications use the real consul service for the demo.

To run examples use the following commands.

$ cd examples
$ docker-compose up --build

By default, examples use package consul-service-health-monitor from npm. You may launch docker containers easily. If you want to play with the codebase of the repository just change the line with import of the package from

const {ServiceInstancesMonitor} = require('consul-service-health-monitor');


const {ServiceInstancesMonitor} = require('../../index');

Also, you will not be able to launch it in docker, only from the host machine. The command for launch must be

$ CONSUL_SERVICE_NAME_TO_MONITOR=example_http_service CONSUL_SERVICE_CHECK_NAME_WITH_STATUS="example_http_service health status" yarn run start

You may run containers separately. To launch only consul run docker-compose up consul.

To launch example-http-service container run docker-compose up --build example-http-service.

Also, there is RUN_MODE env variable that defines how to launch the container and the application inside (works for both example-http-service and example-monitor):

  • RUN_MODE=debug to open port 9229 in the container (node --inspect=
  • RUN_MODE=debug-brk to open port 9229 in the container and wait for the connection before the launch of the application (node --inspect-brk=
  • RUN_MODE=no-process to start the container only, but not start the application. Application must be launched manually.

Example. Launch consul, example-http-service container only. Launch example-monitor locally (not in container)

$ RUN_MODE=no-process docker-compose up --build consul example-http-service

# In one terminal
$ docker-compose exec example-http-service sh -c "yarn run start"

# In second terminal
$ CONSUL_SERVICE_NAME_TO_MONITOR=example_http_service CONSUL_SERVICE_CHECK_NAME_WITH_STATUS="example_http_service health status" yarn run start


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