TwitterJSON makes it very easy to get up and running with the Twitter REST api on iOS devices. You can start getting responses in just a few lines of code. It uses the account from the persons device to authorize requests.
You can start getting results from Twitter with just one method call. For example, to get the main feed of the user:
TwitterJSON.getHomeFeed { (tweets) -> Void in
All methods are class methods of the TWitterJSON
class, so no need to initilize any objects. In the example above the
completion handler contains an array of TJTweet objects. Each of which represent a tweet. You can now do what you want
with this array of tweets, for example:
TwitterJSON.getHomeFeed { (tweets) -> Void in
for tweet in tweets {
Thats it!
CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects. CocoaPods 0.36 adds supports for Swift and embedded frameworks. You can install it with the following command:
$ gem install cocoapods
To integrate TwitterJSON into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile
source ''
platform :ios, '8.0'
pod 'TwitterJSON'
Then, run the following command:
$ pod install
You should set the view controller of TwitterJSON to whatver view controller is active. This is needed to show alerts to the user. For exmple, if they have disallowed access to Twitter from your app in settings, or they have more than one account setup:
TwitterJSON.viewController = self
By default all requests that return an array of either tweets or users will return 20 results. This is defined as a static class variable, meaning that when you set it it will remain at that until it is later changed. To change the number of results:
TwitterJSON.numberOfResults = 5
Note: Twitters REST API requests have limits.
The following methods get tweets, and will return an array of TJTweet objects.
TwitterJSON.getHomeFeed { (tweets) -> Void in
//Returns tweets from the users home feed.
TwitterJSON.searchForTweets("Apple", completion: { (tweets) -> Void in
//Returns tweets containing the given search query.
Note: All tweets also contain a TJUser
object which is
the infomation about the user who posted the tweet.
The following methods get users, and will return an array of TJUser objects.
TwitterJSON.getFollowersForUser("KyleGoslan", completion: { (users) -> Void in
//Returns a list of followers following the specified user.
TwitterJSON.getFollowingForUser("KyleGoslan", completion: { (users) -> Void in
//Returns a list of people the specified user is following.
The following methods will post data to Twitter and return a bool value to represent success.
TwitterJSON.postTweet("Hello World", completion: { (success) -> Void in
//Will post the given string to twitter.
TwitterJSON.retweet(123456789, completion: { (success) -> Void in
//Will retweet the tweet with the given ID.
TwitterJSON.favoriteTweet(123456789, completion: { (success) -> Void in
//Will favorite the tweet with the given ID.
All TJUser objects come with the users profile image already downloaded. The download request is performed asynchronously whenever you do any request and is comepleted before the objects are returned, so are ready to use straight away in the completion block. Example:
image.image = tweet.user.profileImage
The decision to include profile images by defualt was taken because they are probably the most used images. Doing it this way makes your view update instantly as soon as the callback is recieved while the data consumption is still incredibly small. Typically a request containing 20 tweets is ~20kb of data.
- iOS 8.0+
- Xcode 6.4