This application is created in order to make life much simpler and to help people share with there photos in different social networks in couple of taps in their smartphones.
Specific feature of this application - multi language support. It can help make posts in different social medias on accounts with different languages simultaneously
- posting one post to custom social networks and multiple accounts
- change description of the post depending on:
- Social Network
- Account
- Account language
- [In future] scheduling posts
- [In future] auto liking/subscribing/unsubscribing system
- [In future] Twitter
- [In future] Facebook
This application requires backend part which must be working alongside with the android app, as it uses at least instagram_private_api based on python.
- main.dart - run application, all routes written here
- accountData.dart, postData.dart - files which are responsible for conversation with server
- dataController.dart - responsible for View and Data collaboration, saving data to local memory
- globalVals.dart - global values written here
- customWidget...dart - files with custom created widgets
- other files - View
in globalVals.dart you can change URL value in order application to send requests to the proper address
Actually this part makes magic (at least for Instagram), this part makes authorization and then posting from your account. Backend part has nothing complicated, it is written in python Flask and most actions is basic usage of instagram_private_api
Disclaimer: This is not affiliated, endorsed or certified by Instagram. This is an independent and unofficial application. Strictly not for spam. Use at your own risk.