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pkofod committed Dec 18, 2017
1 parent c620df0 commit 0bb85a5
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Showing 7 changed files with 69 additions and 74 deletions.
35 changes: 15 additions & 20 deletions src/differentiable_vectors/autodiff.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,35 +1,30 @@
# if only f! and vector shaped x is given, construct j! or fj! according to autodiff
function OnceDifferentiable(f!, F::AbstractArray, x::AbstractArray, autodiff = :central)
fv!(fxv::AbstractVector, xv::AbstractVector) = f!(reshape(fxv, size(F)...), reshape(xv, size(x)...))
OnceDifferentiable(fv!, vec(F), vec(x), autodiff)
function OnceDifferentiable(f!, F::AbstractVector, x::AbstractVector, autodiff = :central)
if autodiff == :central
function fj!(fx, jx, x)
f!(fx, x)
function fj!(F, J, x)
f!(F, x)
function f(x)
fx = similar(x)
f!(fx, x)
return fx
F = similar(x)
f!(F, x)
return F
finite_difference_jacobian!(f, x, fx, jx, autodiff)
finite_difference_jacobian!(f, x, F, J, autodiff)
function j!(jx, x)
fx = similar(x)
fj!(fx, jx, x)
function j!(J, x)
F = similar(x)
fj!(F, J, x)
return OnceDifferentiable(f!, j!, fj!, similar(x), similar(x))
elseif autodiff == :forward || autodiff == true
jac_cfg = ForwardDiff.JacobianConfig(f!, x, x)
ForwardDiff.checktag(jac_cfg, f!, x)

fx2 = copy(x)
function g!(gx, x)
ForwardDiff.jacobian!(gx, f!, fx2, x, jac_cfg, Val{false}())
F2 = copy(x)
function g!(J, x)
ForwardDiff.jacobian!(J, f!, F2, x, jac_cfg, Val{false}())
function fg!(fx, gx, x)
jac_res = DiffBase.DiffResult(fx, gx)
ForwardDiff.jacobian!(jac_res, f!, fx2, x, jac_cfg, Val{false}())
function fg!(F, J, x)
jac_res = DiffBase.DiffResult(F, J)
ForwardDiff.jacobian!(jac_res, f!, F2, x, jac_cfg, Val{false}())

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8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions src/nlsolve/utils.jl
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@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
function wdot{T}(wx::AbstractVector{T}, x::AbstractVector{T},
wy::AbstractVector{T}, y::AbstractVector{T})
function wdot{T}(wx::AbstractArray{T}, x::AbstractArray{T},
wy::AbstractArray{T}, y::AbstractArray{T})
out = zero(T)
@inbounds @simd for i in 1:length(x)
out += wx[i]*x[i] * wy[i]*y[i]
return out

wnorm{T}(w::AbstractVector{T}, x::AbstractVector{T}) = sqrt(wdot(w, x, w, x))
wnorm{T}(w::AbstractArray{T}, x::AbstractArray{T}) = sqrt(wdot(w, x, w, x))
assess_convergence(f, ftol) = assess_convergence(NaN, NaN, f, NaN, ftol)
function assess_convergence(x,
Expand All @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ function assess_convergence(x,
return x_converged, f_converged, converged

function check_isfinite(x::AbstractVector)
function check_isfinite(x::AbstractArray)
i = find((!).(isfinite.(x)))
if !isempty(i)
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52 changes: 26 additions & 26 deletions src/solvers/mcp.jl
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Expand Up @@ -15,26 +15,26 @@ end
function mcp_smooth(df::OnceDifferentiable,
lower::Vector, upper::Vector)

function f!(fx, x)
value!(df, fx, x)
function f!(F, x)
value!(df, F, x)
for i = 1:length(x)
if isfinite.(upper[i])
fx[i] += (x[i]-upper[i]) + sqrt(fx[i]^2+(x[i]-upper[i])^2)
F[i] += (x[i]-upper[i]) + sqrt(F[i]^2+(x[i]-upper[i])^2)
if isfinite.(lower[i])
fx[i] += (x[i]-lower[i]) - sqrt(fx[i]^2+(x[i]-lower[i])^2)
F[i] += (x[i]-lower[i]) - sqrt(F[i]^2+(x[i]-lower[i])^2)

function j!(gx, x)
fx = similar(x)
value_jacobian!(df, fx, gx, x)
function j!(J, x)
F = similar(x)
value_jacobian!(df, F, J, x)

# Derivatives of phiplus
sqplus = sqrt.(fx.^2 .+ (x .- upper).^2)
sqplus = sqrt.(F.^2 .+ (x .- upper).^2)

dplus_du = 1 + fx./sqplus
dplus_du = 1 .+ F./sqplus

dplus_dv = similar(x)
for i = 1:length(x)
Expand All @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ function mcp_smooth(df::OnceDifferentiable,

# Derivatives of phiminus
phiplus = copy(fx)
phiplus = copy(F)
for i = 1:length(x)
if isfinite(upper[i])
phiplus[i] += (x[i]-upper[i]) + sqplus[i]
Expand All @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ function mcp_smooth(df::OnceDifferentiable,

sqminus = sqrt.(phiplus.^2 .+ (x .- lower).^2)

dminus_du = 1-phiplus./sqminus
dminus_du = 1.-phiplus./sqminus

dminus_dv = similar(x)
for i = 1:length(x)
Expand All @@ -69,12 +69,12 @@ function mcp_smooth(df::OnceDifferentiable,
# Final computations
for i = 1:length(x)
for j = 1:length(x)
gx[i,j] *= dminus_du[i]*dplus_du[i]
J[i,j] *= dminus_du[i]*dplus_du[i]
gx[i,i] += dminus_dv[i] + dminus_du[i]*dplus_dv[i]
J[i,i] += dminus_dv[i] + dminus_du[i]*dplus_dv[i]
return OnceDifferentiable(f!, j!, similar(lower), jacobian(df), similar(lower))
return OnceDifferentiable(f!, j!, similar(df.F), similar(df.x_f))

# Generate a function whose roots are the solutions of the MCP.
Expand All @@ -86,28 +86,28 @@ end
# hence the difference in the function.
function mcp_minmax(df::OnceDifferentiable,
lower::Vector, upper::Vector)
function f!(fx, x)
value!(df, fx, x)
function f!(F, x)
value!(df, F, x)
for i = 1:length(x)
if fx[i] < x[i]-upper[i]
fx[i] = x[i]-upper[i]
if F[i] < x[i]-upper[i]
F[i] = x[i]-upper[i]
if fx[i] > x[i]-lower[i]
fx[i] = x[i]-lower[i]
if F[i] > x[i]-lower[i]
F[i] = x[i]-lower[i]

function j!(gx, x)
fx = similar(x)
value_jacobian!(df, fx, gx, x)
function j!(J, x)
F = similar(x)
value_jacobian!(df, F, J, x)
for i = 1:length(x)
if fx[i] < x[i]-upper[i] || fx[i] > x[i]-lower[i]
if F[i] < x[i]-upper[i] || F[i] > x[i]-lower[i]
for j = 1:length(x)
gx[i,j] = (i == j ? 1.0 : 0.0)
J[i,j] = (i == j ? 1.0 : 0.0)
return OnceDifferentiable(f!, j!, similar(lower), similar(lower))
return OnceDifferentiable(f!, j!, similar(df.F), similar(df.x_f))
6 changes: 2 additions & 4 deletions src/solvers/mcp_func_defs.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -76,11 +76,9 @@ function mcpsolve{T}(f!,
factor::Real = one(T),
autoscale::Bool = true,
autodiff::Bool = false)
if !autodiff
df = OnceDifferentiable(f!, similar(initial_x), initial_x)
# if !autodiff
df = OnceDifferentiable(f!, initial_x, initial_x)
# end
@reformulate df
initial_x, method = method, xtol = xtol, ftol = ftol,
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16 changes: 8 additions & 8 deletions src/solvers/newton.jl
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Expand Up @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ function newton_{T}(df::OnceDifferentiable,
if xlin != xold
value!(df, xlin)
dot(value(df), value(df)) / 2
vecdot(value(df), value(df)) / 2

# The line search algorithm will want to first compute ∇fo(xₖ).
Expand All @@ -79,11 +79,11 @@ function newton_{T}(df::OnceDifferentiable,
if xlin != xold
value_jacobian!(df, xlin)
At_mul_B!(storage, jacobian(df), value(df))
At_mul_B!(storage, jacobian(df), vec(value(df)))
function fgo!(storage::AbstractVector, xlin::AbstractVector)
go!(storage, xlin)
dot(value(df), value(df)) / 2
vecdot(value(df), value(df)) / 2
dfo = OnceDifferentiable(fo, go!, fgo!, real(zero(T)), x)

Expand All @@ -96,16 +96,16 @@ function newton_{T}(df::OnceDifferentiable,

At_mul_B!(g, jacobian(df), value(df))
p = jacobian(df)\value(df)
At_mul_B!(g, jacobian(df), vec(value(df)))
p = jacobian(df)\vec(value(df))
scale!(p, -1)
catch e
if isa(e, Base.LinAlg.LAPACKException) || isa(e, Base.LinAlg.SingularException)
# Modify the search direction if the jacobian is singular
# FIXME: better selection for lambda, see Nocedal & Wright p. 289
fjac2 = jacobian(df)'*jacobian(df)
lambda = convert(T,1e6)*sqrt(n*eps())*norm(fjac2, 1)
p = -(fjac2 + lambda*eye(n))\g
p = -(fjac2 + lambda*eye(n))\vec(g)
Expand All @@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ function newton_{T}(df::OnceDifferentiable,
copy!(xold, x)

push!(lsr, zero(T), dot(value(df),value(df))/2, dot(g, p))
push!(lsr, zero(T), vecdot(value(df),value(df))/2, vecdot(g, p))

alpha = linesearch!(dfo, xold, p, x, lsr, one(T), mayterminate)

Expand All @@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ function newton_{T}(df::OnceDifferentiable,

return SolverResults("Newton with line-search",
initial_x, reshape(x, size(initial_x)...), norm(value(df), Inf),
initial_x, reshape(x, size(initial_x)...), vecnorm(value(df), Inf),
it, x_converged, xtol, f_converged, ftol, tr,
first(df.f_calls), first(df.df_calls))
Expand Down
24 changes: 12 additions & 12 deletions src/solvers/trust_region.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,18 +22,18 @@ macro trustregiontrace(stepnorm)

function dogleg!{T}(p::AbstractVector{T}, r::AbstractVector{T}, d::AbstractVector{T},
function dogleg!{T}(p::AbstractArray{T}, r::AbstractArray{T}, d::AbstractArray{T},
J::AbstractMatrix{T}, delta::Real)
local p_i
p_i = J \ r # Gauss-Newton step
p_i = J \ vec(r) # Gauss-Newton step
catch e
if isa(e, Base.LinAlg.LAPACKException) || isa(e, Base.LinAlg.SingularException)
# If Jacobian is singular, compute a least-squares solution to J*x+r=0
U, S, V = svd(full(J)) # Convert to full matrix because sparse SVD not implemented as of Julia 0.3
k = sum(S .> eps())
mrinv = V * diagm([1./S[1:k]; zeros(eltype(S), length(S)-k)]) * U' # Moore-Penrose generalized inverse of J
p_i = mrinv * r
p_i = mrinv * vec(r)
Expand All @@ -51,11 +51,11 @@ function dogleg!{T}(p::AbstractVector{T}, r::AbstractVector{T}, d::AbstractVecto

# compute g = J'r ./ (d .^ 2)
g = p
At_mul_B!(g, J, r)
At_mul_B!(vec(g), J, vec(r))
g .= g ./ d.^2

# compute Cauchy point
p_c = - wnorm(d, g)^2 / sum(abs2, J*g) .* g
p_c = - wnorm(d, g)^2 / sum(abs2, J*vec(g)) .* vec(g)

if wnorm(d, p_c) >= delta
# Cauchy point is out of the region, take the largest step along
Expand All @@ -68,13 +68,13 @@ function dogleg!{T}(p::AbstractVector{T}, r::AbstractVector{T}, d::AbstractVecto
# from this point on we will only need p_i in the term p_i-p_c.
# so we reuse the vector p_i by computing p_i = p_i - p_c and then
# just so we aren't confused we name that p_diff
p_i .-= p_c
p_i .-= vec(p_c)
p_diff = p_i

# Compute the optimal point on dogleg path
b = 2 * wdot(d, p_c, d, p_diff)
a = wnorm(d, p_diff)^2
tau = (-b+sqrt(b^2 - 4a*(wnorm(d, p_c)^2 - delta^2)))/(2a)
tau = (-b + sqrt(b^2 - 4a*(wnorm(d, p_c)^2 - delta^2)))/(2a)
p_c .+= tau .* p_diff
copy!(p, p_c)
Expand All @@ -91,10 +91,10 @@ function trust_region_{T}(df::OnceDifferentiable,
x = vec(copy(initial_x)) # Current point
x = copy(initial_x) # Current point
nn = length(x)
xold = similar(x) # Old point
r = similar(x) # Current residual
r = similar(df.F) # Current residual
r_predict = similar(x) # predicted residual
p = similar(x) # Step
d = similar(x) # Scaling vector
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -142,9 +142,9 @@ function trust_region_{T}(df::OnceDifferentiable,
value!(df, x)

# Ratio of actual to predicted reduction (equation 11.47 in N&W)
A_mul_B!(r_predict, jacobian(df), p)
A_mul_B!(vec(r_predict), jacobian(df), vec(p))
r_predict .+= r
rho = (sum(abs2,r) - sum(abs2, value(df))) / (sum(abs2,r) - sum(abs2,r_predict))
rho = (sum(abs2, r) - sum(abs2, value(df))) / (sum(abs2, r) - sum(abs2, r_predict))

if rho > eta
# Successful iteration
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ function trust_region_{T}(df::OnceDifferentiable,
name *= " and autoscaling"
return SolverResults(name,
initial_x, reshape(x, size(initial_x)...), norm(r, Inf),
initial_x, reshape(x, size(initial_x)...), vecnorm(r, Inf),
it, x_converged, xtol, f_converged, ftol, tr,
first(df.f_calls), first(df.df_calls))
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions test/runtests.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
using NLsolve
using DiffEqBase
using Base.Test
import Base.convert

add_jl(x) = endswith(x, ".jl") ? x : x*".jl"

Expand All @@ -9,6 +10,7 @@ type WrappedArray{T,N} <: DEDataArray{T,N}

Base.reshape(A::WrappedArray, dims::Int...) = WrappedArray(reshape(A.x, dims...))
Base.convert(A::Type{WrappedArray{T,N}}, B::Array{T,N}) where {T,N} = WrappedArray(copy(B))

if length(ARGS) > 0
tests = map(add_jl, ARGS)
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