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Add methods for left-division operations involving triangular matrice…
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…s and SparseVectors. Also add tests for those methods.
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Sacha0 committed Dec 22, 2015
1 parent 65937f4 commit d4844b5
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Showing 3 changed files with 185 additions and 1 deletion.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion base/sparse.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ using Base.Sort: Forward
using Base.LinAlg: AbstractTriangular, PosDefException

import Base: +, -, *, \, &, |, $, .+, .-, .*, ./, .\, .^, .<, .!=, ==
import Base: A_mul_B!, Ac_mul_B, Ac_mul_B!, At_mul_B, At_mul_B!, A_ldiv_B!
import Base: A_mul_B!, Ac_mul_B, Ac_mul_B!, At_mul_B, At_mul_B!, At_ldiv_B, Ac_ldiv_B, A_ldiv_B!
import Base.LinAlg: At_ldiv_B!, Ac_ldiv_B!

import Base: @get!, acos, acosd, acot, acotd, acsch, asech, asin, asind, asinh,
atan, atand, atanh, broadcast!, chol, conj!, cos, cosc, cosd, cosh, cospi, cot,
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121 changes: 121 additions & 0 deletions base/sparse/sparsevector.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1491,3 +1491,124 @@ function _At_or_Ac_mul_B{TvA,TiA,TvX,TiX}(tfun::BinaryOp, A::SparseMatrixCSC{TvA
SparseVector(n, ynzind, ynzval)

# define matrix division operations involving triangular matrices and sparse vectors
# the valid left-division operations are A[t|c]_ldiv_B[!] and \
# the valid right-division operations are A(t|c)_rdiv_B[t|c][!]
# see issue #14005 for discussion of these methods
for isunittri in (true, false), islowertri in (true, false)
unitstr = isunittri ? "Unit" : ""
halfstr = islowertri ? "Lower" : "Upper"
tritype = :(Base.LinAlg.$(symbol(string(unitstr, halfstr, "Triangular"))))

# build out-of-place left-division operations
for (istrans, func, ipfunc) in (
(false, :(\), :(A_ldiv_B!)),
(true, :(At_ldiv_B), :(At_ldiv_B!)),
(true, :(Ac_ldiv_B), :(Ac_ldiv_B!)) )

# broad method
@eval function ($func){TA,Tb,S}(A::$tritype{TA,S}, b::SparseVector{Tb})
TAb = $(isunittri ?
:(typeof(zero(TA)*zero(Tb) + zero(TA)*zero(Tb))) :
:(typeof((zero(TA)*zero(Tb) + zero(TA)*zero(Tb))/one(TA))) )
($ipfunc)(convert(AbstractArray{TAb}, A), convert(Array{TAb}, b))

# faster method requiring good view support of the
# triangular matrix type. hence the StridedMatrix restriction.
@eval function ($func){TA,Tb,S<:StridedMatrix}(A::$tritype{TA,S}, b::SparseVector{Tb})
TAb = $(isunittri ?
:(typeof(zero(TA)*zero(Tb) + zero(TA)*zero(Tb))) :
:(typeof((zero(TA)*zero(Tb) + zero(TA)*zero(Tb))/one(TA))) )
r = convert(Array{TAb}, b)
# this operation involves only b[nzrange], so we extract
# and operate on solely that section for efficiency
nzrange = $( (islowertri && !istrans) || (!islowertri && istrans) ?
:(b.nzind[1]:b.n) :
:(1:b.nzind[end]) )
nzrangeviewr = sub(r, nzrange)
nzrangeviewA = $tritype(sub(, nzrange, nzrange))
($ipfunc)(convert(AbstractArray{TAb}, nzrangeviewA), nzrangeviewr)

# build in-place left-division operations
for (istrans, func) in (
(false, :(A_ldiv_B!)),
(true, :(At_ldiv_B!)),
(true, :(Ac_ldiv_B!)) )

# the generic in-place left-division methods handle these cases, but
# we can achieve greater efficiency where the triangular matrix provides
# good view support. hence the StridedMatrix restriction.
@eval function ($func){TA,Tb,S<:StridedMatrix}(A::$tritype{TA,S}, b::SparseVector{Tb})
# densify the relevant part of b in one shot rather
# than potentially repeatedly reallocating during the solve
$( (islowertri && !istrans) || (!islowertri && istrans) ?
:(_densifyfirstnztoend!(b)) :
:(_densifystarttolastnz!(b)) )
# this operation involves only the densified section, so
# for efficiency we extract and operate on solely that section
# furthermore we operate on that section as a dense vector
# such that dispatch has a chance to exploit, e.g., tuned BLAS
nzrange = $( (islowertri && !istrans) || (!islowertri && istrans) ?
:(b.nzind[1]:b.n) :
:(1:b.nzind[end]) )
nzrangeviewbnz = sub(b.nzval, nzrange - b.nzind[1] + 1)
nzrangeviewA = $tritype(sub(, nzrange, nzrange))
($func)(nzrangeviewA, nzrangeviewbnz)
# could strip any miraculous zeros here perhaps

# helper functions for in-place matrix division operations defined above
"Densifies `x::SparseVector` from its first nonzero (`x[x.nzind[1]]`) through its end (`x[x.n]`)."
function _densifyfirstnztoend!{Tv,Ti}(x::SparseVector{Tv,Ti})
# lengthen containers
oldnnz = nnz(x)
newnnz = x.n - x.nzind[1] + 1
resize!(x.nzval, newnnz)
resize!(x.nzind, newnnz)
# redistribute nonzero values over lengthened container
# initialize now-allocated zero values simultaneously
nextpos = newnnz
for oldpos in oldnnz:-1:1
nzi = x.nzind[oldpos]
nzv = x.nzval[oldpos]
newpos = nzi - x.nzind[1] + 1
newpos < nextpos && (x.nzval[newpos+1:nextpos] = 0)
newpos == oldpos && break
x.nzval[newpos] = nzv
nextpos = newpos - 1
# finally update lengthened nzinds
x.nzind[2:end] = (x.nzind[1]+1):x.n
"Densifies `x::SparseVector` from its beginning (`x[1]`) through its last nonzero (`x[x.nzind[end]]`)."
function _densifystarttolastnz!(x::SparseVector)
# lengthen containers
oldnnz = nnz(x)
newnnz = x.nzind[end]
resize!(x.nzval, newnnz)
resize!(x.nzind, newnnz)
# redistribute nonzero values over lengthened container
# initialize now-allocated zero values simultaneously
nextpos = newnnz
for oldpos in oldnnz:-1:1
nzi = x.nzind[oldpos]
nzv = x.nzval[oldpos]
nzi < nextpos && (x.nzval[nzi+1:nextpos] = 0)
nzi == oldpos && (nextpos = 0; break)
x.nzval[nzi] = nzv
nextpos = nzi - 1
nextpos > 0 && (x.nzval[1:nextpos] = 0)
# finally update lengthened nzinds
x.nzind[1:newnnz] = 1:newnnz
62 changes: 62 additions & 0 deletions test/sparsedir/sparsevector.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -724,6 +724,68 @@ let A = complex(sprandn(7, 8, 0.5), sprandn(7, 8, 0.5)),
@test_approx_eq full(y) Af'x2f

# left-division operations involving triangular matrices and sparse vectors (#14005)
let m = 10
sparsefloatvecs = SparseVector[sprand(m, 0.4) for k in 1:3]
sparseintvecs = SparseVector[SparseVector(m, sprvec.nzind, round(Int, sprvec.nzval*10)) for sprvec in sparsefloatvecs]
sparsecomplexvecs = SparseVector[SparseVector(m, sprvec.nzind, complex(sprvec.nzval, sprvec.nzval)) for sprvec in sparsefloatvecs]

sprmat = sprand(m, m, 0.2)
sparsefloatmat = speye(m) + sprmat/(2m)
sparsecomplexmat = speye(m) + SparseMatrixCSC(m, m, sprmat.colptr, sprmat.rowval, complex(sprmat.nzval, sprmat.nzval)/(4m))
sparseintmat = speye(Int, m)*10m + SparseMatrixCSC(m, m, sprmat.colptr, sprmat.rowval, round(Int, sprmat.nzval*10))

denseintmat = eye(Int, m)*10m + rand(1:m, m, m)
densefloatmat = eye(m) + randn(m, m)/(2m)
densecomplexmat = eye(m) + complex(randn(m, m), randn(m, m))/(4m)

inttypes = (Int32, Int64, BigInt)
floattypes = (Float32, Float64, BigFloat)
complextypes = (Complex{Float32}, Complex{Float64})
eltypes = (inttypes..., floattypes..., complextypes...)

for eltypemat in eltypes
(densemat, sparsemat) =
eltypemat in inttypes ? (denseintmat, sparseintmat) :
eltypemat in floattypes ? (densefloatmat, sparsefloatmat) :
eltypemat in complextypes && (densecomplexmat, sparsecomplexmat)
densemat = convert(Matrix{eltypemat}, densemat)
sparsemat = convert(SparseMatrixCSC{eltypemat}, sparsemat)
trimats = (
LowerTriangular(densemat), UpperTriangular(densemat),
LowerTriangular(sparsemat), UpperTriangular(sparsemat) )
unittrimats = (
Base.LinAlg.UnitLowerTriangular(densemat), Base.LinAlg.UnitUpperTriangular(densemat),
Base.LinAlg.UnitLowerTriangular(sparsemat), Base.LinAlg.UnitUpperTriangular(sparsemat) )

for eltypevec in eltypes
spvecs =
eltypevec in inttypes ? sparseintvecs :
eltypevec in floattypes ? sparsefloatvecs :
eltypevec in complextypes && sparsecomplexvecs
spvecs = SparseVector[SparseVector(m, spvec.nzind, convert(Vector{eltypevec}, spvec.nzval)) for spvec in spvecs]

for spvec in spvecs
fspvec = convert(Array, spvec)
# test out-of-place left-division methods
for mat in (trimats..., unittrimats...), func in (\, At_ldiv_B, Ac_ldiv_B)
@test isapprox((func)(mat, spvec), (func)(mat, fspvec))
# test in-place left-division methods not involving quotients
eltypevec == typeof(zero(eltypemat)*zero(eltypevec) + zero(eltypemat)*zero(eltypevec)) &&
for mat in unittrimats, func in (A_ldiv_B!, Base.LinAlg.At_ldiv_B!, Base.LinAlg.Ac_ldiv_B!)
@test isapprox((func)(mat, copy(spvec)), (func)(mat, copy(fspvec)))
# test in-place left-division methods involving quotients
eltypevec == typeof((zero(eltypemat)*zero(eltypevec) + zero(eltypemat)*zero(eltypevec))/one(eltypemat)) &&
for mat in trimats, func in (A_ldiv_B!, Base.LinAlg.At_ldiv_B!, Base.LinAlg.Ac_ldiv_B!)
@test isapprox((func)(mat, copy(spvec)), (func)(mat, copy(fspvec)))

# It's tempting to share data between a SparseVector and a SparseArrays,
# but if that's done, then modifications to one or the other will cause
# an inconsistent state:
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