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Merge pull request #81 from JuliaLang/cb/graphrefactor
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Complete refactor of the dependency graph and related functions
  • Loading branch information
carlobaldassi authored Jan 6, 2018
2 parents 55da10d + 776439b commit b8086ba
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Showing 9 changed files with 1,497 additions and 1,342 deletions.
910 changes: 910 additions & 0 deletions src/GraphType.jl

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

100 changes: 72 additions & 28 deletions src/Operations.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,8 +2,9 @@ module Operations

using Base.Random: UUID
using Base: LibGit2
using Pkg3: TerminalMenus, Types, Query, Resolve
using Pkg3: TerminalMenus, Types, GraphType, Resolve
import Pkg3: GLOBAL_SETTINGS, depots, BinaryProvider
import Pkg3.Types: uuid_julia

const SlugInt = UInt32 # max p = 4
const chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"
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get_or_make(::Type{T}, d::Dict{K}, k::K) where {T,K} =
haskey(d, k) ? convert(T, d[k]) : T()

get_or_make!(d::Dict{K,V}, k::K) where {K,V} = get!(d, k) do; V() end

function load_versions(path::String)
toml = parse_toml(path, "versions.toml")
Dict(VersionNumber(ver) => SHA1(info["hash-sha1"]) for (ver, info) in toml)
Expand All @@ -114,44 +117,84 @@ end
load_package_data(f::Base.Callable, path::String, version::VersionNumber) =
get(load_package_data(f, path, [version]), version, nothing)

function deps_graph(env::EnvCache, pkgs::Vector{PackageSpec})
deps = DepsGraph()
uuids = [pkg.uuid for pkg in pkgs]
function load_package_data_raw(T::Type, path::String)
toml = parse_toml(path, fakeit=true)
data = Dict{VersionRange,Dict{String,T}}()
for (v, d) in toml, (key, value) in d
vr = VersionRange(v)
dict = get!(data, vr, Dict{String,T}())
haskey(dict, key) && cmderror("$vr/$key is duplicated in $path")
dict[key] = T(value)
return data

function deps_graph(env::EnvCache, uuid_to_name::Dict{UUID,String}, reqs::Requires, fixed::Dict{UUID,Fixed})
uuids = union(keys(reqs), keys(fixed), map(fx->keys(fx.requires), values(fixed))...)
seen = UUID[]

all_versions = Dict{UUID,Set{VersionNumber}}(fp => Set([fx.version]) for (fp,fx) in fixed)
all_deps = Dict{UUID,Dict{VersionRange,Dict{String,UUID}}}(fp => Dict(VersionRange(fx.version) => Dict()) for (fp,fx) in fixed)
all_compat = Dict{UUID,Dict{VersionRange,Dict{String,VersionSpec}}}(fp => Dict(VersionRange(fx.version) => Dict()) for (fp,fx) in fixed)
while true
unseen = setdiff(uuids, seen)
isempty(unseen) && break
for uuid in unseen
push!(seen, uuid)
deps[uuid] = valtype(deps)()
all_versions_u = get_or_make!(all_versions, uuid)
all_deps_u = get_or_make!(all_deps, uuid)
all_compat_u = get_or_make!(all_compat, uuid)
# make sure all versions of all packages know about julia uuid
if uuid uuid_julia
deps_u_allvers = get_or_make!(all_deps_u, VersionRange())
deps_u_allvers["julia"] = uuid_julia
for path in registered_paths(env, uuid)
version_info = load_versions(path)
versions = sort!(collect(keys(version_info)))
dependencies = load_package_data(UUID, joinpath(path, "dependencies.toml"), versions)
compatibility = load_package_data(VersionSpec, joinpath(path, "compatibility.toml"), versions)
for (v, h) in version_info
d = get_or_make(Dict{String,UUID}, dependencies, v)
r = get_or_make(Dict{String,VersionSpec}, compatibility, v)
q = Dict(u => get_or_make(VersionSpec, r, p) for (p, u) in d)
# VERSION in get_or_make(VersionSpec, r, "julia") || continue
deps[uuid][v] = q
for (p, u) in d
u in uuids || push!(uuids, u)
deps_data = load_package_data_raw(UUID, joinpath(path, "dependencies.toml"))
compatibility_data = load_package_data_raw(VersionSpec, joinpath(path, "compatibility.toml"))

union!(all_versions_u, versions)

for (vr,dd) in deps_data
all_deps_u_vr = get_or_make!(all_deps_u, vr)
for (name,other_uuid) in dd
# check conflicts??
all_deps_u_vr[name] = other_uuid
other_uuid in uuids || push!(uuids, other_uuid)
for (vr,cd) in compatibility_data
all_compat_u_vr = get_or_make!(all_compat_u, vr)
for (name,vs) in cd
# check conflicts??
all_compat_u_vr[name] = vs
find_registered!(env, uuids)
return deps

for uuid in uuids
uuid_to_name[uuid] = registered_name(env, uuid)
info = manifest_info(env, uuid)
info nothing && continue
uuid_to_name[UUID(info["uuid"])] = info["name"]

return Graph(all_versions, all_deps, all_compat, uuid_to_name, reqs, fixed)

"Resolve a set of versions given package version specs"
function resolve_versions!(env::EnvCache, pkgs::Vector{PackageSpec})::Dict{UUID,VersionNumber}
info("Resolving package versions")
# anything not mentioned is fixed
uuids = UUID[pkg.uuid for pkg in pkgs]
uuid_to_name = Dict{UUID,String}()
uuid_to_name = Dict{UUID,String}(uuid_julia => "julia")
for (name::String, uuid::UUID) in env.project["deps"]
uuid_to_name[uuid] = name
uuid in uuids && continue
Expand All @@ -161,20 +204,17 @@ function resolve_versions!(env::EnvCache, pkgs::Vector{PackageSpec})::Dict{UUID,
push!(pkgs, PackageSpec(name, uuid, ver))
# construct data structures for resolver and call it
reqs = Requires(pkg.uuid => pkg.version for pkg in pkgs)
deps = deps_graph(env, pkgs)
for dep_uuid in keys(deps)
info = manifest_info(env, UUID(dep_uuid))
if info != nothing
uuid_to_name[UUID(info["uuid"])] = info["name"]
deps = Query.prune_dependencies(reqs, deps, uuid_to_name)
vers = Resolve.resolve(reqs, deps, uuid_to_name)
reqs = Requires(pkg.uuid => pkg.version for pkg in pkgs if pkg.uuid uuid_julia)
fixed = Dict([uuid_julia => Fixed(VERSION)])
graph = deps_graph(env, uuid_to_name, reqs, fixed)

vers = resolve(graph)
find_registered!(env, collect(keys(vers)))
# update vector of package versions
for pkg in pkgs
pkg.version = vers[pkg.uuid]
# Fixed packages are not returned by resolve (they already have their version set)
haskey(vers, pkg.uuid) && (pkg.version = vers[pkg.uuid])
uuids = UUID[pkg.uuid for pkg in pkgs]
for (uuid, ver) in vers
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -559,6 +599,10 @@ function rm(env::EnvCache, pkgs::Vector{PackageSpec})

function add(env::EnvCache, pkgs::Vector{PackageSpec})
# if julia is passed as a package the solver gets tricked;
# this catches the error early on
any(pkg->(pkg.uuid == uuid_julia), pkgs) &&
error("Trying to add julia as a package")
# copy added name/UUIDs into project
for pkg in pkgs
env.project["deps"][] = string(pkg.uuid)
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Pkg3.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ include("../ext/TOML/src/TOML.jl")

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