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deprecate sprandbool and add new syntax for creating random sparse ma…
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KristofferC committed Apr 29, 2016
1 parent 811fe45 commit 21b3b2a
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Showing 6 changed files with 56 additions and 35 deletions.
16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions base/deprecated.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1078,6 +1078,22 @@ end
@deprecate copy(x::AbstractString) identity(x)
@deprecate copy(x::Tuple) identity(x)

Create a random `m` by `n` sparse boolean matrix or length `m` sparse boolean
vector with the specified (independent) probability `p` of any entry being
This function is deprecated.
function sprandbool end
@deprecate sprandbool(m::Integer, n::Integer, density::AbstractFloat) sprand(Bool, m, n, density)
@deprecate sprandbool(r::AbstractRNG, m::Integer, n::Integer, density::AbstractFloat) sprand(r, Bool, m, n, density)
@deprecate sprandbool(n::Integer, density::AbstractFloat) sprand(Bool, n, density)
@deprecate sprandbool(r::AbstractRNG, n::Integer, density::AbstractFloat) sprand(r, Bool, n, density)
@deprecate sprand{T}(n::Integer, density::AbstractFloat, ::Type{T}) sprand(T, n, density)
@deprecate sprand{T}(r::AbstractRNG, n::Integer, density::AbstractFloat, ::Type{T}) sprand(r, T, n, density)

# During the 0.5 development cycle, do not add any deprecations below this line
# To be deprecated in 0.6

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33 changes: 15 additions & 18 deletions base/sparse/sparsematrix.jl
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Expand Up @@ -894,12 +894,12 @@ function sprand_IJ(r::AbstractRNG, m::Integer, n::Integer, density::AbstractFloa

Create a random length `m` sparse vector or `m` by `n` sparse matrix, in
which the probability of any element being nonzero is independently given by
`p` (and hence the mean density of nonzeros is also exactly `p`). Nonzero
values are sampled from the distribution specified by `rfn`. The uniform
values are sampled from the distribution specified by `rfn` and have the type `type`. The uniform
distribution is used in case `rfn` is not specified. The optional `rng`
argument specifies a random number generator, see [Random Numbers](:ref:`Random Numbers <random-numbers>`).
Expand All @@ -923,30 +923,27 @@ function sprand{T}(m::Integer, n::Integer, density::AbstractFloat,
sparse_IJ_sorted!(I, J, rfn(length(I)), m, n, +) # it will never need to combine

sprand(r::AbstractRNG, m::Integer, n::Integer, density::AbstractFloat) = sprand(r,m,n,density,rand,Float64)
truebools(r::AbstractRNG, n::Integer) = ones(Bool, n)

sprand(m::Integer, n::Integer, density::AbstractFloat) = sprand(GLOBAL_RNG,m,n,density)
sprandn(r::AbstractRNG, m::Integer, n::Integer, density::AbstractFloat) = sprand(r,m,n,density,randn,Float64)

sprand(r::AbstractRNG, m::Integer, n::Integer, density::AbstractFloat) = sprand(r,m,n,density,rand,Float64)
sprand{T}(r::AbstractRNG, ::Type{T}, m::Integer, n::Integer, density::AbstractFloat) = sprand(r,m,n,density,(r, i) -> rand(r, T, i), T)
sprand(r::AbstractRNG, ::Type{Bool}, m::Integer, n::Integer, density::AbstractFloat) = sprand(r,m,n,density, truebools, Bool)
sprand{T}(::Type{T}, m::Integer, n::Integer, density::AbstractFloat) = sprand(GLOBAL_RNG, T, m, n, density)

sprandn([rng], m[,n],p::AbstractFloat)
Create a random sparse vector of length `m` or sparse matrix of size `m` by `n`
with the specified (independent) probability `p` of any entry being nonzero,
where nonzero values are sampled from the normal distribution.
sprandn( m::Integer, n::Integer, density::AbstractFloat) = sprandn(GLOBAL_RNG,m,n,density)

truebools(r::AbstractRNG, n::Integer) = ones(Bool, n)
sprandbool(r::AbstractRNG, m::Integer, n::Integer, density::AbstractFloat) = sprand(r,m,n,density,truebools,Bool)

where nonzero values are sampled from the normal distribution. The optional `rng`
argument specifies a random number generator, see [Random Numbers](:ref:`Random Numbers <random-numbers>`).
sprandn(r::AbstractRNG, m::Integer, n::Integer, density::AbstractFloat) = sprand(r,m,n,density,randn,Float64)
sprandn(m::Integer, n::Integer, density::AbstractFloat) = sprandn(GLOBAL_RNG,m,n,density)

Create a random `m` by `n` sparse boolean matrix or length `m` sparse boolean
vector with the specified (independent) probability `p` of any entry being
sprandbool(m::Integer, n::Integer, density::AbstractFloat) = sprandbool(GLOBAL_RNG,m,n,density)

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9 changes: 4 additions & 5 deletions base/sparse/sparsevector.jl
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Expand Up @@ -356,17 +356,16 @@ function sprand(r::AbstractRNG, n::Integer, p::AbstractFloat, rfn::Function)
SparseVector(n, I, V)

sprand{T}(n::Integer, p::AbstractFloat, ::Type{T}) = sprand(GLOBAL_RNG, n, p, rand, T)
sprand(n::Integer, p::AbstractFloat) = sprand(GLOBAL_RNG, n, p, rand)
sprand{T}(r::AbstractRNG, n::Integer, p::AbstractFloat, ::Type{T}) = sprand(r, n, p, rand, T)

sprand(r::AbstractRNG, n::Integer, p::AbstractFloat) = sprand(r, n, p, rand)
sprand{T}(r::AbstractRNG, ::Type{T}, n::Integer, p::AbstractFloat) = sprand(r, n, p, (r, i) -> rand(r, T, i))
sprand(r::AbstractRNG, ::Type{Bool}, n::Integer, p::AbstractFloat) = sprand(r, n, p, truebools)
sprand{T}(::Type{T}, n::Integer, p::AbstractFloat) = sprand(GLOBAL_RNG, T, n, p)

sprandn(n::Integer, p::AbstractFloat) = sprand(GLOBAL_RNG, n, p, randn)
sprandn(r::AbstractRNG, n::Integer, p::AbstractFloat) = sprand(r, n, p, randn)

sprandbool(n::Integer, p::AbstractFloat) = sprand(GLOBAL_RNG, n, p, truebools)
sprandbool(r::AbstractRNG, n::Integer, p::AbstractFloat) = sprand(r, n, p, truebools)

## Indexing into Matrices can return SparseVectors

# Column slices
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions test/perf/sparse/getindex.jl
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Expand Up @@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ function sparse_getindex_perf()
c = counters[sz]
if indstr=="logical array"
# make a logical array of the right size
ind = sprandbool(size(m,1)..., 1e-5)
ind = sprand(Bool, size(m,1)..., 1e-5)
if nargs==2
@timeit fun(m, ind) "sparse_getindex_$s1$c" "Sparse matrix with $ms, $funstr with $indstr"
Expand All @@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ function sparse_getindex_perf()
continue # logical indexing with medium size sparse matrix takes too long
# make a logical array of the right size
ind = sprandbool(size(m)..., 1e-5)
ind = sprand(Bool, size(m)..., 1e-5)
c = counters[sz]
@timeit one_arg_indexing(m, ind) "sparse_getindex_$s1$c" "$s2 with $ms, linear indexing with $indstr"
counters[sz] += 1
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23 changes: 16 additions & 7 deletions test/sparsedir/sparse.jl
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Expand Up @@ -389,11 +389,11 @@ A = speye(Bool, 5)
@test sprand(4,5,0.5).^0 == sparse(ones(4,5))

# issue #5985
@test sprandbool(4, 5, 0.0) == sparse(zeros(Bool, 4, 5))
@test sprandbool(4, 5, 1.00) == sparse(ones(Bool, 4, 5))
@test sprand(Bool, 4, 5, 0.0) == sparse(zeros(Bool, 4, 5))
@test sprand(Bool, 4, 5, 1.00) == sparse(ones(Bool, 4, 5))
sprb45nnzs = zeros(5)
for i=1:5
sprb45 = sprandbool(4, 5, 0.5)
sprb45 = sprand(Bool, 4, 5, 0.5)
@test length(sprb45) == 20
sprb45nnzs[i] = sum(sprb45)[1]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -589,7 +589,7 @@ let A = speye(Int, 5), I=1:10, X=reshape([trues(10); falses(15)],5,5)
@test A[I] == A[X] == collect(1:10)

let S = sprand(50, 30, 0.5, x->round(Int,rand(x)*100)), I = sprandbool(50, 30, 0.2)
let S = sprand(50, 30, 0.5, x->round(Int,rand(x)*100)), I = sprand(Bool, 50, 30, 0.2)
FS = full(S)
FI = full(I)
@test sparse(FS[FI]) == S[I] == S[FI]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -973,7 +973,7 @@ end
@test spzeros(1,2) .* spzeros(0,1) == zeros(0,2)

# test throws
A = sprandbool(5,5,0.2)
A = sprand(Bool, 5,5,0.2)
@test_throws ArgumentError reinterpret(Complex128,A)
@test_throws ArgumentError reinterpret(Complex128,A,(5,5))
@test_throws DimensionMismatch reinterpret(Int8,A,(20,))
Expand All @@ -990,9 +990,9 @@ A = speye(5)
@test convert(Matrix,A) == full(A)

# test float
A = sprandbool(5,5,0.0)
A = sprand(Bool, 5,5,0.0)
@test eltype(float(A)) == Float64 # issue #11658
A = sprandbool(5,5,0.2)
A = sprand(Bool, 5,5,0.2)
@test float(A) == float(full(A))

# test sparsevec
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1319,3 +1319,12 @@ let
@test issparse(UpperTriangular(full(m))) == false
@test issparse(LinAlg.UnitUpperTriangular(full(m))) == false

m = sprand(Float32, 10, 10, 0.1)
@test eltype(m) == Float32
m = sprand(Float64, 10, 10, 0.1)
@test eltype(m) == Float64
m = sprand(Int32, 10, 10, 0.1)
@test eltype(m) == Int32
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions test/sparsedir/sparsevector.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ let xr = sprand(1000, 0.9)
@test all(nonzeros(xr) .>= 0.0)

let xr = sprand(1000, 0.9, Float32)
let xr = sprand(Float32, 1000, 0.9)
@test isa(xr, SparseVector{Float32,Int})
@test length(xr) == 1000
@test all(nonzeros(xr) .>= 0.0)
Expand All @@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ let xr = sprandn(1000, 0.9)

let xr = sprandbool(1000, 0.9)
let xr = sprand(Bool, 1000, 0.9)
@test isa(xr, SparseVector{Bool,Int})
@test length(xr) == 1000
@test all(nonzeros(xr))
Expand All @@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ end
let r1 = MersenneTwister(), r2 = MersenneTwister()
@test sprand(r1, 100, .9) == sprand(r2, 100, .9)
@test sprandn(r1, 100, .9) == sprandn(r2, 100, .9)
@test sprandbool(r1, 100, .9) == sprandbool(r2, 100, .9)
@test sprand(r1, Bool, 100, .9, ) == sprand(r2, Bool, 100, .9)

### Element access
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